
How Do I Look? PICS Included!?

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The reason im posting this is because I just recently broke up with my boyfriend and im feeling kinda... well... not so great.

Anyway make-over tips?




  1. How about getting yourself a new haircut?  Maybe get some layers in there.  My wife has longer hair like yours and she had it layered somewhat - sidebangs I think it what she called it.  Looked great!

  2. dont change a thing grrrrrrr

  3. smile!

  4. u dont need make up ..

    ur fine

    ur hot


  5. I think you should go with a darker hair color. This blonde thing isn't working for ya.... GIRLFRIEND. Lol...

    Other than that, I doubt your bf broke up with you because of your looks and a bunch of random people on yahoo telling you "you're hot" shouldn't make you feel better about yourself. Your looks are something you pretty much have no control over (to an extent) so there's no point in having pride in that. Try having pride in how you present yourself or the things you do to help other people. Your character. Now THATS something you have control over. =]

  6. You look gorgous. You can curl or make your hair wavy. That would look fantastic. I think that you can use a good lip plum to make your lips look full. Other than that i wouldnt change a thing.

  7. you dont even need a make ovoer u look hot

  8. well u could have some meat on your bones

  9. u r beautiful and actually i wouldnt change a thing but maybe go for darker lipgloss like pink or sumthing

  10. if he broke up with you he is an idiot

  11. the only thing i'd suggest is maybe using a flat iron to keep your hair extra straight, (so its longer) or maybe use a curling iron, (or these hot rollers, which every u prefer) to change up your hair here and there.  Besides that you look perfect.  And i am jealous.  I love you long blonde long hair, mine is a Auburn color, but incredibly dull, and i look like sh*t as a blonde (lol) so your lucky and really pretty too!

    I'm sorry about your break up, but maybe its best, maybe he isn't the one for you? Goodluck, and i'm sure your going to get another boyfriend soon.  you sre are pretty enough to.

  12. I don't believe that your ex bf broke with you because of the way you look!  you're cute.  It must be because of something, or a chemistry problem.

    I know american guys, they find all women attractive even black girls.

    As a result, the more you are a ***** the bigger the chance that you'll have a bf.  ...the same can be said about american women, they're attracted to "out going" s**y bitchy rude boys.

  13. go easy on the makeup

  14. you are pretty and you know it and dont ever let a guy ever make you feel like you are anything less than gorgeous .. you are young vibrant and i bet you have a great personallity ... you dont have to change anything unless you want to ... you look fine dont let someone play with your head

  15. get some stuff to highlight your eyes... maybe an eye pencil (black).

    Smile a Little more

    Otherwise u luk great

  16. You are very pretty but too skinny. You don't need so much eye make up either. Natural is better.

  17. pshh your goregu id die to have a girlfriend as pretty as u dont change

  18. You have a unique look. That's a good thing btw

  19. Just one tip: you need a little of me all over you

  20. NO COMMENT..(read between the lines)

  21. yea i think ure fit and im irish ...................... ta tu maith: jus a wee bit of irish

  22. I think you look hot, but the pain in your face is why you're not lighting up the room right now and it kinda makes me sad.

    My only suggestion is put on a pound or two. Get some meat on you girl! No make-over needed.

  23. ur really pretty, you just look depressed/tired. smile and itll give ur face energy :D

  24. I like how you look in this one from your photobucket:

    (had to shorten it, Yahoo wouldn't take the longer url)

    The smoother side-part looks really good on you.  You have a pretty smile, do hesitate to use it. ;)

  25. I think you're pretty, but you'd be even prettier if you smiled.

  26. your pretty BUT you have a long face (a lot of space between your upper lip and the bottom of your eyes) so use eyeliner and mascara and BOTH the upper and lower eyelashes

  27. Why do you need make up, Youre Hot!

  28. No makeover, you look great.

  29. You're really pretty!

  30. your really pretty!

    lol answer mine plz

  31. whatever the pic looks like, that's what you should look like! =]

    and u sure aren't UGLY! =]

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