
How Do I Make A Good Impression At A New School?

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I'm going in to grade 6 and I've had the same friends since kindergarten.How do you make friends?I just got ceramic braces and I don't want people to just take a glance at me and then be labeled brace face or something like that.thank you




  1. I don't think anyone will label you "brace face". I think you have to stand tall and act like you know what you're doing. New kids in my school are usually treated like the most popular person for a while, so you never know how the students at yours will react =D But being shy is NOT going to help.

  2. if they like you they like you if they don't they don't that's how middle school works.  

  3. just be your self :), that always worked for me i always been the goofy tomboy tipe so i always been popular among the boys and hated by the chicks...PERFECT 2 me!!!

  4. act cool  

  5. Be yourself because if people find out your pretending to be cool nobody will like you.

  6. Just act normal. To make friends just go up to them and say Hi and introduce yourself. Say you like there shirt or shoes or Headand.

  7. Well, here's my advice.

    1) Be yourself, don't try and be someone your not. It doesn't help, no matter how good at acting you are. he he

    2) Talk to people, asking them for their name, age and hobbies. Try NOT be to pushy to make people be your friend.

    3) Try to talk to people who you think are in a group with other people, get to know one person who is from a big group. Then eventually ask them to show you their mates.

    4) Don't let fear over come you. Be brave and stick up for yourself.

    Thats mostly it. Hopefully this has helped. Am i good enough for best answer?

  8. i really dont think ur braces will be a big issue but u might wanna watch out for that one group of girls who are the b***hs of ur grade....

    i had almost the same problem....i was going into 6th and was so nervous cause i had always had the same friends since forever. 6th grade is a rough patch in middle school cause wen the little kids (meaning from elementary) move to a bigger school ud think theyd feel smaller but actaully for some reason they think theyre better than every1 else and are sometimes meaner than the older kids

    so if any1 teases u (even if its your "friend") then dont hang out with them....ur just gonna end up sadder...

    if that happens...just hang in 7th grade life will b much better

    i know cause i used to have a LOT of enemies in 6th grade but then in 7th no1 really cared who your friends were or wat clothes u wore so that was cool

    and if u wanna make more friends....join a sport or some kinda thing were its not just u and ur friends(that how i met more than half of the friends i have now) and dont be afraid to talk 2 new people thats y u all are in one school well that and u have to study lol

    good luck in middle school!

    much love!♥

  9. Just be yourself and just be out-going and stuff like that,

    when you meet new people in class, just make little coversation starters or comliment them.

  10. um... ya ur a little young to be on here

    but i will answer you anyways......

    1. be yourself

    2. if someone mentions about your braces just shrug and say "no biggy"

    3. dont wear any makeup ..... (it looks like your trying 2 hard and your waayyy 2 young)

    4. dont go heavy on jewerly... simple pair of earrings maybe a braclet

    5. do NOT hang around any of the "popular" girls they will just make fun of you behind your back if you become friends with them.

    6. stay around your closest friends, the ones that will stand by you

    hope i helped!!

  11. Just act yourself, then the people know what to expect.

  12. just be friendly to others

  13. Honestly it sounds cheesey but it's so true- just be yourself and go out and talk to new people and you will find some who like you and some who won't as much. Also get involved in a club or sport or anything like that because you will meet people who already have a common interest so you can use that as an ice breaker when talking to them. In 6th grade you won't get made fun of for braces because nearly everyone else will have them too! But be careful not to totally blow off your old friends if you have had them for so long they must be important to you. But have fun with it and be yourself.

    I know I sound totally cheesy and stuff here but really it is true! Good luck and have tons of fun in 6th grade.

  14. be yourself...who cares about getting them in a month

  15. just be yourself.

    i had the same problem.

    i was supposed to go to the district school but then i moved and i had to make new friends.

    i didn't have any friends in 6th grade, but once i started to open up and ask people if i could hang out with them, it was cool.

    like this one friend i met by just asking her if i could have lunch with her and her friends, and she said yes.  i just opened up and was myself, and they liked me for who i was, and i still have those friends.

    you just cant be afraid of rejection.  if people say no, walk away and try again.  plus, it'll be easy for you because you always have your old friends there to back you up.  its easier when you and a friend ask to hang out with other people because everything turns out better when  you know you're with a person you can trust.  good luck!  =]

  16. I made tons of new friends when I was in 6th grade.  Honestly just don't pretend to be anything your not, because it will catch up with you (happened to my friend) and then your going to be considered a fake and on and on and its really not worth it.  Always be really nice, don't be the one to start fights or talk back.  If anyone tries to start a fight with you just say I'm not going to fight back because its not worth it.  And about the braces, no one should make fun of you because tons of kids these days are getting braces.  Hope I helped [= harper

  17. u have to be 13 if u want to be on here!!!!!

  18. just be u, be nice and open, show that u have manners, speak up 4 urself

  19. just be yourself

    and people will like you for who you are

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