
How Do I Put A Whammy Bar On My Guitar?

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I got a Fender Squire Strat And it came with 2 (allen Keys) is i think it's called and a spring what do i do ?




  1. on the bridge (on the body where the ends of the strings are), their should be a little hole. just put the whammy bar in there and s***w it in.

  2. thats a good guitar u should heve a little s***w hole on the bottom right of ur metal string holder things at da strum part just s***w it in and plllzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz chose me for best answer

  3. well some guitars just cant have whammy bars put on them. but if yours can it should have a little hole below the strings. just s***w it in, and rock on man.

  4. You need to make a "bridge"

    The whammy job will cost more than your guitar is even worth.

    I would recomend just buying a guitar with a whammy.

    Ibanez makes some good ones.

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