
How Do I Sound Proof My Apartment?

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I want to sound proof my apartment cause I have drums and a P.A. System. I want my band to come over and practice, but I want a way to sound proof the whole place. I don't about the price, but I do want a way where I won't get in trouble. Just give me some help on making it sound proof to people who live around me.




  1. Soundproofing is often best done during the construction stage.  Trying to sound proof an apartment can be extremely difficult, and actually, much more expensive, than if you had built a room, from the ground up.  But there are a number of 'aftermarket' materials to be found.

    One easy technique, is to build a double wall.... this is actually two walls... spaced about a half inch apart, and not connected to each other.  Studs are staggered, and the two wall cavities are filled with a sound absorbing material.  This is one method that is most easily done during the initial construction phase.  There are also special methods of connecting drywall, and ceiling tile to the structure which will reduce the amount of sound that is allowed to travel thru them.  There are several suppliers and manufacturers of different types of sound absorbing material.  Here are some links to help you get started -

    You can find many more links and suppliers by doing a simple search for "soundproofing"

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