
How Do I Stop? Someone help me!

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i have been doin it for like 2 or 3 years.

and i cant stop

my parents think that im gonna die.

i dont kknow.

and i am a hard core drinker.

and i take alot of pills

and smoke weed.

the only thing that i dont do is meth.

what can i do???

im scared.

and my parents think thatim going to OD nad die.

i dont kno wat to do.

they think that they are loosing me to my friends.

i cant stop dothing that stuff

it got me in a whole

im only 16 and i have been arrested more that 3 times.

i steal alot.

to everyone else im "up to no good"

if ur gonna put me down. then plz just go away

im scared

and im not tryin to be this way anymore

please help meeeeee




  1. Go to rehab

  2. If your parents have insurance coverage, then talk with them an go see psychologist and you will probably end up going to a rehabilitation center for adolescents. They are not bad and it will give you tie to think and recover. I am sure wherever you live will have some type of facility to accomadate you whie you get better. I wish you the best of luck! I had some issues when I was 15 and as I got older, I grew out of them and am currently in my senior year of college. So there is hope and a bright future ahead. I learned that sometimes we can be our own worst enemy. Sit and talk with your parents or possibly a school counselor when you go back to school.  Or you could always email me

  3. Are you sick and tired of being, sick and tired? If so give AA a call. someone there will be more than happy to help you.  And your identity is kept secure.

  4. AnaLisa,

    Addiction to drugs, alcohol and self-abuse are very hard to overcome with "willpower."  There is help available.  Alcoholics Anonymous has helped millions of people.  It is simply people who have recovered from a seemingly hopeless state of mind and body helping one another to stay sober.  

    You may also have the option of entering a treatment facility, if your parents' insurance will cover it.  This will give you a jump start in recovery.  

    AnaLisa, you are not alone.  Millions of people have suffered from such issues, but are living healthy, happy lives now.  As one of the other posters wrote, you can get information about Alcoholics Anonymous here:

    You have nothing to lose by contacting them, but everything to gain.

  5. Get off the computer and admit yourself (or allow your parents to do so) to a mental hospital for a while.  You need to get help and you know that.

  6. You need to go and get help. like a boot camp or something.

    yournot healthy, and your parents are obviously scared for you.

    and dont know how to help you... i recommend a camp... rehabilitation centre... please

  7. This is very unhealthy for you. smoking weed is fine!!!

    Cutting yourself i to was also a cutter for 5 years and i kno its like an addiction and even if you want to stop you cant my advise for that is get rid of any sharp impliments around you and find something to take your mind off it like write down the feeling i sing to get them out and it helps me thru the tough times wow your drug problems seems really bad i would go to rehab if i where you before it is to late it also depends on how long you have been using and how freqanly you use....But continue smoking weed that is the main thing that has stopped my 5 year cutting addiction

    Good Luck!  

  8. You're here for the first step, asking for help.  Cutting, and many other things that addicts do benefit from the help of 12 step programs like Alcoholics Anonymous.  There, you can get help with your addictions, including the cutting.  They have groups in different areas including for younger people.  Ask your parents for help.  There are many programs through local mental health clinics that have grants if they can't afford for you to get help.  

    Know that there are many of us who truly care, and would love to get to know you as a friend.  But, if you're in your own little world, locked in a room cutting yourself, we can't help you.  If you think you're going to do it now, call 9-1-1, and they'll help you get the help you need at the hospital.  Life often has horrible times in it, and mental illness is hard to overcome, but there is help out there, where you can be a normal, functioning person with some help.  

    My prayers are with you!  Good luck, and e-mail me in a few days and let me know you're alright please!

  9. You have a choice in all of these matters.  Just stop, it's a matter of using free will to your advantage instead of disadvantage.  It might feel like you have no choice, but you do.

  10. first of all.............PLEASE EAT A  GOOD HEALTHY MEAL!!!! thats a very good start now you just need to really focus on what you want to do i no its hard but you really need to try. you have to want to stop. and i feel you do. i have faith in you. so please go to a speacial rehab center for teens your age. that way you will be surounded by people who know exactly how you feel and what you are going through. that way you will be able to overcome these problems. just make sure you are completly honest with yourself and the people at the rehab place.

  11. AnaLisa, you need to figure out why you depend on drugs and alcohol. its never too late for someone to get help. you should enroll in a quitters program and see a therapist. if you didnt smoke or drink or pop pills, maybe you wouldnt steal for money either. I think you are real brave to admit it to yourself that you want to change, and thats the first step. Get help, hope you get better.


  12. if you want help you have to really want it.

    And relatives can only help you so much so be prepared to do a lot of the "walking" here.

    Firstly, you need to cut yourself off from the bad things - the friends that put you down and are in the wrong crowd, the drugs, the booze, the cutting yourself.

    It will be hard.

    But you need to be able to create a bridge of bodning with you and your parents, they willl help you because love goes a long way. have faith and stay positive

  13. the fact that you actually want to get better is a step in the right direction. since your parents are already aware of this talk to them and get the help that you need, and i hope you get better,

  14. Only you can save yourself...Honestly, I'm not religious or anything, but find a church and go to it.....

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