
How Do I Survive My Junior Year??? ?

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I'm so stressed out about it. I'm not really smart. I'm taking college prep classes and I'm already failing spanish 2. I want to be ahead. People say Junior year is the hardest and I'm nervous that I may not pass. Does anyone have any tips for me passing? What about extracurricular activities? Should I join a lot or pick about 1 to 2 and be committed to them because I have like 7 in mind. I have 8 45 minute classes for the whole year with no semesters. Should I focus on a "supernatural' touch to help me? I plan on getting afterschool help. I'm thinking about getting more fit than I am and focusing on meditation at night to help me. I don't care about making friends. I just want my junior year to be over with. I'd give up all my holidays for that. Please I may sound like i'm repeating myself but I'm just nervous about how I will keep up. ANY GOOD advice will be appreciated. Thanks




  1. Class of 2010

    I'm a junior as well and ready to get this year over with, so I can finally be in my last year of high school. I know many people who say sophomore was their worst year, and for me it seems like it as well. My freshmen year was good, but sophomore year not so much. Hopefully I do alot better my junior year. I wouldn't say join 7 after school clubs, it can be a lot to handle... with only 5 school days a week. Just stay focus, have a good outlook for your future, be yourself, and this is most likely your last full year colleges have to look at for admission, so make well of it if you can.

  2. its all about time management.

    (im sorry to say but)

    cut down those times on AIM/MSN/facebook/myspace

    cut down those times hanging out with friends (to a reasonable amount)

    and when you ARE working.. FOCUS.

    after you finished the day, quickly review what you have learned; you will be able to retain it better

    as far as extracurricular activities

    limit them too to ones you really ENJOY doing, colleges look at DEPTH; not breadth.

    have a study group; that can actually STUDY together and motivate each other positively

    i had a lot of my friends changed junior year

    because as high school goes on, you tend to stick with people with SIMILAR interest and SIMILAR goals;    you guys have more to talk about... and also more likely to be in the same classes.

    its good to hear, you are motivated

    and its important that you MAINTAIN this motivation

    anyways, try befriending some teachers this year

    like have some teachers in mind to write you great recs (:

    junior year isnt that bad

    you can do it!

  3. i would pick only 1 or 2 extra currics, because if youre already failing then chances are youre not going to be handle 7 extracurriculars. plus the ones youre most interested in are the ones you should be focusing on anyways to give colleges an idea of your interests.

    you shouldnt have time to meditate, thats bs and prolly a waste of time that you should be using to do other stuff. getting fit is always a good thing though i guess. get plenty of sleep. really.

    go to afterschool tutoring, or get a tutor, or get together a study group. this is probably the most important thing.

    don't procrastinate; try to spend zero time on aim and myspace or whatever.

    do what i do. think: 2 more years, 2 more years, 2 more years.  

  4. you're right about being stressed about junior year, it really is a critical year... but don't be too stressed out about it

    personally, i think the key is to plan your time out well

    when it comes to extracurricular activities, i saw you choose a couple of clubs to be committed to

    when it comes to academics, don't procrastinate!  

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