
How Do I Tell My Fiance I May Be Pregnant?

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I have been on the birth control pill for about 3 years now. Recently, I accidentally forgot to take my pills two days in a row. This was during the time of ovulation and I may be pregnant. I feel so guilty, and I don't know how to tell him. Please help!




  1. i think id avoid telling him until i was 100% for sure, no need to stress him too.

  2. Well find out if you deffintly are first. I mean he is your fiance so he should be okay with it. Find a cute way to tell him that would be nice

  3. Prepare urself dear, as this is u now going it alone.  Tell ur fiance but be prepared for the worst............if u really want this then u must consider whether it is likely u are going to have to do it on ur own.  I, of course, hope u won't have to, but be strong enough to go on with this if u want to without the support of ur fiancee.

    Good luck, I hope things will work out for the best.  My only other advice is wait until u have a positive pregnancy test before speculating with him whether u might be pregnant or not.

  4. "Everyone who's NOT going to have a baby, raise your hand. Whoa, hey, not so fast there honey!"

  5. Birth control pills suppress (stop) ovulation.  That's why it is difficult to get pregnant while taking them.  I wouldn't worry until you skip a period, and then take the test or go to the dr and have blood drawn for a more accurate test!

  6. Don't worry him until you know for sure. I waited until my wedding night to have s*x and early in our marriage whenever I'd have a "scare", my husband would get incredibly stressed out if I told him about it. We had another scare last month, and he was actually very supportive and even got excited. Then when I got my period, we both got upset. So don't  tell him about it just yet. I do have one friend who got pregnant on the pill because she didn't take it at the same time every day. But healthy couples with no fertility issues only have a 20% chance each month of getting pregnant. Since you're on the pill, and it affects your whole cycle, your chances of being pregnant are slim to none. Take a test if your period is late. It's all you can do. And please get married and settled down before you throw a baby into the mix.

  7. you don't tell him unless you've taken a test and confirmed that you are actually pregnant. If you tell him "I might be" and leave him wondering, thats just drama. wait and see if you miss your period and take a test. 2 skipped days doesn't mean you're automatically knocked up or anything.

    btw... You "forgot" to take your birth control, but yet know that it was exactly on the 2 days you are ovulating? sounds like you might be actually trying for a baby...

  8. Don't tell him unless you know for sure you're pregnant.

  9. Wait until you take a test and if it is positive then tell him.   There is absolutely no point in telling the world until you know for sure that your little accident has any consequences.  In other words you might not be pregnant so until you know for sure why bother getting everybody concerned.

    Even if you had not forgotten to take the pill then you could still be pregnant.  Right ?   Cause it isn't 100% effective...  So every month you wouldn't tell him "I could be pregnant" because you know it isn't 100% effective.... So nothing has changed really.

    ETA :  Just saw your update - there is no need to be so rude.  If you are 25 then stop being so forgetful taking your protection.  People assume you are young because of the level of maturity you show in your question.

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