
How Do I Tell My Mother That I'm Having s*x At Age 13??? HELP!!!?

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Okay...I'm in a huge realationshion with my bf and...I'm scared! We've been dating 5 weeks now, but we know EVERYTHING possible about each other,so we're fine. But...The only thing wrong is...We're having s*x and I don't know how to tell my mother. She's always told me to NEVER EVER have s*x untill I've been married for at least 4 years, but...She doesn't understand the teenage life! I love my bf and he's already wanting to run off with me, but...Before I do that, I must tell my mother I'm doing it with him...How!!?? Someone PLEASE help...I'm crying because I'm so scared of what could happen if I told her...Help!




  1. just don't tell her =O that's something you keep to yourself

  2. If you want my advice, and not everyone will agree with it -- make sure you're having safe s*x.

    Put the mother issue aside for a short while and make sure you're using contraception.  Be careful about STDs.  All your boyfriend had to do was sleep with one other person, and you could be infected.

    When you have those things taken care of, you absolutely must think this relationship over.  You say your 13 but not how old he is - so statutory rape might come into the picture.

    Do you think your parents would press charges against him?  They well could.  

    Deciding to have s*x is a big step even for adults.  When someone is in their teens, which I feel you are, the law can get involved, your heart can be broken with life-long consequences and a baby can be conceived.  Again, there's a risk of sexually transmitted disease -- and your reputation still can go out the window.

    Doesn't sound like innocent s*x anymore does it?

  3. Um, do you forget that your mother was a teenager too? 13 years old having s*x? Are you kidding me? Do you know that the brain doesn't fully mature until your about 30 years old. YOU'VE BEEN WITH THE GUY 5 WEEKS! YOUR 13!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you don't fall in love with anyone after 5 weeks!! are you aware of sexual diseases and pregnancy that are involved you may not see it or think that its impossible to happen to you but it happends, and happends everyday. You need to tell your mother what you have done because she has to fix this mess you have created you are too young to understand the consequences of your actions, and 5 weeks isn't enough to know everything possible about each other and you shouldn't be talking about running off with each other either i could understand if you were together for about 9 months but seriously you need to start thinking clearly

  4. "We've been dating 5 weeks now"


    5 WEEKS??

    OMG.....UR A F*CKING IDIOT!!!!

    "I'm in a huge realationshion with my bf "


    "She doesn't understand the teenage life!"


    If u really want to tell her im having s*x with____...

    Tada..done ya told her..

    If u can tell ur mom cuz ur scared..u shouldent be doin it now should u??

    STOP having s*x..okay UNLESS u want to be like my cousin who is 13 and is pregnant..Imagin how much harder that would be to tell ur mom!

  5. don't run away with him,

    im fifteen & i felt like that when i was 14 :(

    it's okay dont cry .. you don't have to tell your mom until your ready !

    you've been dating for only 5 weeks ; that's NOTHING !

    trust me, i lost mines at 14 we dated for 8 months & we broke up ; stop having s*x especially at your age ...

    don't make a stupid mistake please :(

    listen to mee !

  6. Your mom understands the teenage life just fine, you don't understand self control.......something she tried to help instill in you.

    She won't be surprised, disappointed, but not shocked.

    Tell her before she finds out on her own, (and she will), and you destroy what little trust you have left with her.


  7. Wow, you've only been together for 5 weeks?

    If you know having s*x is wrong at your age, then stop.  

    Are you ready to be a mother?  And your boyfriend, is he ready to be a father if you should end up pregnant?

    You need to sit down and tell your mother - there will be no easy way to do this.

  8. First of all, Hun, your mom had a good reason for telling you this stuff. But obviously you didn't listen. Stop it at once. You are far too young to be having s*x at this age. You are at risk for unwanted pregnancy and STD. Get in touch with Planned Parenthood. They can offer counseling and guarantee your privacy. They can help you with your mother. And if on the chance you guys do run away, where to? How long do you think what little money you have will last? And how old is your bf? If he's 18 or older, then he's in a heap of trouble for statuary rape, even if you consented to it. Slow down. You have no idea what a loaded gun you are playing with.

  9. young one...5 weeks is not a long really sorry to tell you that..

  10. wow.

    maybe you shouldn't be having such a relationship at your age.

  11. If your afraid to tell your mother your having s*x, than you shouldn't be having it.  You are in no way mature enough to handle the consequences of having s*x.  You have already said that the only thing wrong is that you are having s*x.  That says it all.  Tell her you have made a huge mistake and that you need her guidance.  She is your mother and should be willing to listen, especially if you have a good open relationship with her. Good Luck

  12. why must you tell her?

    do you think your prego???

    dnt cry, yes... you are very young, be yes, your mom doesnt understand how teeneage life has change from when she was a teen, then us.

    UMMM as for telling her, just sit her down, ask her to take you to lunch, just the two of you, then just tell her.  Pray.

  13. I started having s*x at 16 and not telling my mother was the worst thing that I have ever done!!! Not only did I Loose her trust but I got pregnant. If I would have only gotten up the nerve to tell her she could have probably helped me before I got myself into trouble!!! Nevertheless it is your choice alone but please think of the cons first!!!!

  14. Your mother wants you to be married for 4 years before you have s*x?  That's about the most absurd thing I've ever heard.

    As for telling your mother, just give your password to Yahoo Answers.  She'll find out more than she ever wanted to know....and probably won't be so strict about the whole abstinence until you're 4 years into marraige thing!

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