
How Do I Train a Gerbil To Jump?

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I Just want to know how to make a gerbil jump.




  1. dnt think its possible mabe but on scale of 1-10 i wouldsay about 2 sos about that  

  2. i dont think thats possible, sorry

  3. It's possible, but it takes a lot of time and commitment and trust. Mine comes when called, eats seeds in my hands, leaps out of my hands onto my keyboard, and rubs noses with me.

    I'm not sure if it's leaping or jumping up that you want. They can jump straight up fairly high and leap really well - very strong hind legs. Not all gerbils will do those things.

    I honestly don't recommend this. They are not toys. Just try to work on getting your gerbil to trust you, handle him all the time, don't scare him or be mean. He may surprise you with what he already can do.

  4. I am sorry but you can not train gerbils to jump, they have small legs and arms so jumping would be very very very tricky for them the only way you could do that was if you used a shock color and put it on high power ( NEVER DO THIS)


  5. I breeder gerbil I am never see any train a gerbil to do that be if you do email that a cool trick

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