
How Do I Win Against This Chess Strategy?

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Everyday in studyhall I play chess with my friend John and everytime we play he uses the same opening strategy and I can't find a way around his defence or attack.

His opening is always.........

1....moves the last Pawn on the edge of the board (Pawn h2-h3)

2....moves the Rook behind the pawn (Rook h1-h2)

3....reapeats the first move move the Pawn (pawn a2-a3)

4....moves the Rook behind pawn (rook a1-a2)

5....then the knight (knight g1-f3) and (knight b1-c3) or anywhere else on the board

He always opens with this strategy, he attacks with the knight, the queen, and use the rook as defence I came on his half of the board. Nevertheless, the Rook is his main item with Mating and double Mating also the Pawn he uses with pinning.

For me I would usually attack him with my Knight and the Bishop and still he reduces the use of my greatter peices.




  1. Moving the rooks like that is actually really bad. You need to occupy the centre with your pawns and develop your knights and bishop asap. White will have no way to castle like this so his king will naturally be exposed in the centre.

    Now, this is just one possibility. 1.h3 e5 2.Rh2 d5 3.a3 Bd6 4.Ra3 Be6 and black has a great position. Any knight move costs a piece. 5.Nf3? e4 and the rook and knight hang both and black is winning.

    Suppose this, again, just a quick idea: 5.e3 Nf6 6.Ne2 Nc6 7.Ng3 0-0 (castles, or Ke8-g8) 8.Bb5 d4 and the black pieces, including a rook on e8, are coming at the king in the centre. Black probably has a won position already.

  2. His opening is actually very weak. By moving his rooks he removes his chance to castle. You should definitely castle yourself and your king will be safer than his. Exchanges of pawns in the centre will be good for you as his king, trapped in the middle of the board, will be vulnerable.

    dutchday's suggestion is very good. I would give the same advice. Your first two moves should be to push both of your centre pawns 2 squares forward. Develop bishops and knights, castle (essential!) and then open the centre (by advancing your centre pawns if necessary). Take his rooks with your bishops if you get a chance, as rooks are worth more (5 pawns, instead of 3 for the bishop or knight)

  3. That looks pretty weak to me.  Just work to gain control of the center, develop your pieces to support your center pawns and castle early.  If you and he are otherwise equal, you'll see his game fall apart in the middle game.

  4. Hi,

         You may like to visit my web page - link below?  Lots of tips and advice on how to proceed in the opening etc.  Also, PRINT out a copy of any orthodox chess set and board in the world - FREE!  



  5. move the qween out then use that to take him apart.

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