
How Do I code DIVs (10 points will be awarded)

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How Do I code DIVs (10 points will be awarded)




  1. Your question makes no sence, if your talking about making layouts for myspace using the DIV tags, then you need to learn CSS, Google search CSS tutorials.

  2. It is impossible to explain it in full here it would take too long. Go to the W3schools site.

  3. A div is just a section of code that is DIVided out from the rest of the html script.

    This allows web programmers to group together parts of a web page and assign attributes to those groups, like visibility or background and text color.

    This can be done directly:

    <div style="color:red">

    <!-- here is some html code -->


    Or indirectly:

    <style type="text/css">

    .myDiv {color: green}


    <div id="myDiv">

    <!-- Some more html code -->


    Or through some separate mechanism like an external CSS script or JavaScript in a similar way.

  4. I hate when people say "I'll give you 10 points" when you can't choose how many points you give. Anyone can give 10 points to best answer, so just for that, I'm not gonna waste my time blabbing away about css.

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