Just reposted this. This original question is first and the updated part is at the end.
I've been posting these questions about my girl getting pregnant from another guy and me and her trying to work it out. Well, after a couple of days of trying to convince her that this would still work, she was still not sure. Her main reason was, she couldn't look me in the face knowing that she screwed up and I'm fathering another man's child. She doesn't want to keep hurting me for her mistake. She seems like the only reason she doesn't want to get through this is cause of how I might feel later on, and how weird it would be for me. I love this woman to death, so I know I could get through this. But last night, I told her maybe I needed to do the right thing and walk away from her. She started crying and agreed how difficult things could be for me. But said she still loves me dearly and wishes it's my baby and wish we could start a family together. I kinda get mixed signals. Should i walk away? Should I stay and keep going through with this? Her cheating was partly my fault, so I don't hold it against her. And how do you go about getting over someone you love so much, but you got pulled away from? She was comming back and working things out and the pregnancy just killed all that.
I went to talk with her right now on her lunch. And tried to be as straight forward as possible. She told me she thinks she needs to be with the baby's father and see if it could work out. She needs to at least try. I told her, before she realized she was pregnant, she wanted to work on our relationship and making it work, and a baby shouldn't change where here heart is. Right? I mean, she looked kinda unsure what she wanted, but this is the first time in a week she said anything that resembled a straight answer. Not sure if she is confused or holding back the honest truth so she doesn't hurt me anymore. She's still living with me at the moment. We still cuddle up and sleep and talk together in bed. She still hugs me like there no tomorrow. She get teary eyed everytime we talk. Sometimes she even burst into tears and start shaking. Am I fighting a battle I cant win?