
How Do I get Rid Of The Feeling about Missing someone

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I have these friends i only see a few weeks a year, and I'm not gonna see them for a while, and I miss hanging out with them, and i have this feeling that makes me wanna cry, how do i get rid of that? has this every happened to you, how did you get rid of it?




  1. well i know its hard but u got to hang in there. Usually u can find new friends but keep strong ties to ur old ones. U could find a hobby or maby start hanging out with ur family. Think positive, be happy, its just 1 life. I just read or looked up music. Even look at old photos, think of the good times, now and to come in the future, if u know they will be back, dont sweat it. Anticipate their next arrival.

  2. yes, i just moved out of state and i've never been away from my friends for more than a week.. =( it sucks, but you just have to stay busy!! keep counting down the days until you see them again, and that'll help time pass too!!! g'l!! i hope you feel better!!!

  3. Distract yourself. Don't think about it. Call some of your other friends and hang out with them.  

  4. Try keeping yourself busy! :]

  5. i lost my mom last year and i always feel this way also - i guess its normal

  6. you dont get rid of that feeling its normal, its part of human nature to have emotions, you just need to think hmm im going to see them again and i will wait it out and it will be great when i finally see them again.

    and yes its called a break up of course your going to miss the person but you need to move on and realise its a part of life and there are harder things to deal with than missing someone, everyone does this at least once in their life time.  

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