
How Do I get as much money for college as I can? How do I get scholarships?

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I wanna go to one of the top schools to be a lawyer and I dont wanna settle for anything that might get me to where I wanna be would like the greatest. How do I get Money for school because I may not be able to pay for school when I get accepted into Whatever college suites me best.




  1. Grants:


    If you want to be a prestigious lawyer, you will need to be careful about what school you choose. Choose what college you want to attend and contact their financial aid deparment. If you have done your job (good grades, good attendance, great involvment), you will have some bargaining position. The FAFSA takes care of government money, fastweb takes care of scholarships (free money) and finally, most private banks and such offer private student loans.

    Good luck!

  2. You can try to go to

    it's about scholarships information.

    Good luck

  3. 1. Apply for fafsa as early as humanly possible because it is on a first come, first serve basis.

    2. Apply for scholarships in your community and on the internet. Remember to write an essay that shares your unique experiences, thoughts and how they have shaped you or made you "eligble" and BE CrEATIVE

    3. For university scholarships, make sure your admissions essay is like #2, make sure when you take the SATs you put that school as your first choice, make sure you say your intended major (because they give scholarships within the different schools such as the law school) and make sure you take an interview, being as creatively open and honest as you can muster.

    4. Make very good grades. Do not procarstinate, just make those As! Study HARD for the SAT so you can with the national merit scholarship which will also get you a scholarship with your school.

    5. If that is not enough, but it should be, do work-study.

    6. Loans come when all else fails!! Do not take out a loan unless you know you can pay for it.

  4. to get as much money u need for collage u can get student loan or open a bank account and start a savings account

    and to get a scholar ship u would have to graduate college or pay for your scholarship

  5. you have to apply for scholarships...there are tons of websites that help out with that. or are requirements to first see if you are eligable and then there are others that require an essay on the topic provided. You can apply for grants as well...go to and apply. Also Loans are an option if you dont qualify for free money.

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