
How Do I get emancipated! I'm 17 and a Mother.?

by Guest66034  |  earlier

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Okay, well I live with My parent's.

It's great sometimes, sucks another. But I have Nothing agaisnt My parent's I love them dearly.

But You have No idea, How rough it is.

I have a 4 1/2 Month old baby girl who is The most beautifulest/best thing that has ever become of me.

I'm still with her dad. and were engaged. But were in NO rush to be married. until 2009 june;/july.

well I'm still in school, plan to graduate, but I am behind from prevoiusly years when i was Younger. But I do online schooling.

Im trying to find a full-time job so i can prove, I can support Myself & My daughter, but as of right now My boyfriend is Supporting us.

We wanna move in together Get OUR own place, but My dad won;t allow it because he says I'm his responsbility until i'm 18. which Is another 8/9 months away.

I live n the state of Ohio som of My friens say it's Posible even but where do i go?

I know life isnt easy, gas/rent/innsurance,food, isnt cheap but I need to do this and soon.




  1. so you had your baby before your 17th birthday?

    sounds like your emancipated too much...

    Listen to your parents, try to save up so when you go it alone you have some finances

  2. I agree with what most people are saying.  Stay at home, 9 months will fly. concentrate on your studies.  I know it's hard sharing space when you feel you are an adult and shouldn't have to be under anyone else's rule but believe me, I did it the other way.  I moved out with my bf (now my husband)  had 2 more children, split up twice (still together now) struggled financially for many, many years and went through some major bouts of depression.  It is a hard, hard road being a young mum any support should be grasped with both hands.  Put up with it now and you will feel the reward further down the track.  I am in a good place now in my marriage but I definately feel I did it the hard way!  Don't do the same.

  3. Just stay with your parents for another 8/9 months until you turn 18.  It's still good to have their support and it would help your boyfriend to be able to save money as well.  Getting a fulltime job is going to mean you need to find a daycare or a child care provider and that is going to cost money, so I would wait until you were 18, get a part time job to start saving money and let my parents help until you are actually old enough.  Court and attorneys cost money as well.

  4. I understand there are good days with your parents and their are bad one and your daughter is the apple of your eye, but if I was in your predicament I would just stay there and soak up as much love (even tough love) and support from your parents as possible. At 17, 18, 19 years of age you are not going to know how tough this world is. If you throw yourself and the baby in it, you are not doing either one of you a favor. Where will you live? How long before you can't pay for the gas bill? the rent? a job? transportation? babysitter? Why would you subject your daughter to a life of worry and instabillity? Thats nice that your boyfriend is able to support you seeing that you live at home you probly don't have many bills but what happens to finishing school? Online schooling (if it is good) is probably not easy, with that I want you to think of working a full time job, your boyfriend working a full time job, pick baby up from the baby sitter, have to write a paper for my english class, baby crying, feed her, change her, make dinner, clean, wash laundry, etc....etc.....etc. And if you are lucky your fiance will help (it usually dosen't work out that way). Not all but alot of guys just don't see the mechanics of running a household. After all this is said, stay home and give you and your daughter a chance to get a head in life, give yourself a chance to mature (mom or not you are not fully matured) And seeing that you are not in no rush to marry, whatever happens with the father make every attempt to make a good relationship between him and his daughter.

  5. just put up with it and try your best to graduate school so when your 18 you can get a supportive job.  Enjoy being babied for the next 9 months. itll never happen again.

  6. wait the nine months then go about it, just spend this time preparing to be on your own, get your job, pay some rent to your parents and hire a sitter for when you are at work or school, show them that you are responsible then when it is time to get your own place they wont worry so much. thats all their problem is that you are their baby (regaurdless of how old you are) and you have a baby (their grandchild) and they are worried. think about how you would feel if you had to let your baby live across town wit her dad. it wouldnt be easy.

  7. Is your boyfriend really supporting you or are your parents footing the bill?  Be realistic.  Rent, food, diapers, gas, insurance, phone, cable, electricity and day care add up real fast.  It can't be that bad living with your parents, and from the sounds of it they seem concerned for you which is a blessing.  Show some responsibility and tell them that it is your goal to move out, and you'd like their help with childcare so you can get a job to save up money to make it all possible.  You have the rest of your life to live, spending another year or so under your parents roof won't kill you and will probably make your life so much easier.

  8. slow down. wait the 9 months till you're 18. better yet. wait til your wedding date is within a month or 2 away..

  9. My advice is to talk to an attorney about it. Post you question on There are lawyers on there for everything. They can give you gauranteed correct answers from a legal stand point. Ask them and they will tell you. The laws are different in every state.

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