
How Do I get in shape for volleyball?

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I have four months before tryouts. I would like to impress the coaches. I would love it if you could not just give suggestions, but daily workout plans. Thank you so much.




  1. Try running back and fourth & up and down.

    ^ Thats mainly what volleyball is.

    Run around your block maybe 3 times a day.

    Your going to need good hand-eye coordination. So take a ball and just hit it against the wall (like an actual volleyball pass) and just keep doing that for a while and that would show you are hand-eye.

    Stretches always get me warmed up.

    Stretch to one side then the other to get those legs and hamstrings going.

    Good luck!

  2. peper with someone that plays

  3. run at least a mile everymorning

    work alot on your legs

    you also need arm strength so try lifting weights

    you need get good in qyuick feet so look up different ways to do that and work on your vertical too

    i've been playing volleyball for 4 years

  4. 1. eat health (lot of proteins can really help you)

    2. gym work on to keep you in shape.

    3. need to have confidence in urself.

    4. practice volleyball(go to the open court volleyball something to maintain or improve ur skills)

    5. watch college volleyball (help you think what u need to do to be like that person)

                         Good Luck

  5. Jumping is key to hitting in volleyball, so I would recommend that if you're a female and you're over 5'7" tall or a male over 5'10" tall you work on your jumping ability. Those heights are considered relatively tall at the lower high school levels, and are much more likely to warrant a spot at a hitting position.

    Training for maximum vertical is very complex and requires athlete-specific customization. Plyos / jump specific lifting are in my opinion the two keys to jump training.

    Just a small list of some workouts you could do to help:


    Depth Jumps

    Consecutive explosive jumps


    Acceleration sprints

    Overhead medicine ball tosses




    Box Squats

    Low-back hypers

    Glute-Hamstring raises

    Weighted lunges

    These exercises shouldn't be attempted without knowledge of proper form and for the weighted lifts a spotter.

    Flexibility is also very important in both jumping and volleyball, so a stretching routine would be beneficial. Make sure your routine includes: Hams, Quads, Calves, Hip Flexors, shoulders, and maybe glute stretches. These are all very important to jumping and hitting.

    If you're serious about it you should consider hiring a professional trainer to help teach you these lifts and design a personal program for you.

    If you're below the heights I listed you will most likely be a setter or back-row player, in which case ball control is key. Work on passing and setting, and hitting a target each and every time.

    A great resource would be to recruit a friend to play "Pepper" with you or just hit the ball around, and really work on control and getting the ball back to your partner on a nice high pass every time.

    Another great drill would be to have your partner hit down balls to you. Work on the same things as before: passing with control. Also work on really getting low and moving to where the ball is, using your lower body to position yourself underneath the ball and get a nice high pass.

    Work hard at it, and good luck.

  6. I'd say that you should bump the ball back and fourth with another person. You should also run a mile every day.

  7. volleyball is all about Hustle

    Heres a drill i learned and do for a straight month before each volleyball season, do these steps

    1- lay on your stomach in your house or if you can the gym, get up as fast you can and run about 20 yards.

    2-run back as fast as you can and lay on your stomach looking the opposite direction.

    3-keep repeating this

    By the way they kill, i wear spandex doing this, save the skin on your thighs

    Only do this 3 times a week, i do it on Monday, wendsay, and Friday.

    Another great workout to help your serving and spiking is Hand weights, put 2 in your hands and lift them repeatably for 10 minutes, do this 2 days a week. Give your body the weekend to rest up. do not work out steady.

    Hope this helps

  8. I'm in volleyball, and my coach makes us do these exercises. he says we play better when we do them.

    do pushups, 10, and right after, 25 crunches, back over, 10 more pushups and back over, 25 more crunches. do lungees with weights 90 degrees above your shoulders and press when you go back up from a lunge.

    also, if u want, suicides at a gym.

    also, just play with the ball. bump it in the air, set it, bump it, and try to keep it going. i ALWAYS do this.

    these will help. i GURANTEE you.


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