
How Do I know when my walnuts are ready to pick?

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We have several Walnut Trees, How do we know when they will be ready to pick, and then what do we have to do with them in order for then to be safe to eat?




  1. wallnut yum my favourite, sorry would not know i only know how to eat them

  2. Like the above guy said, wait until they turn brown. They're probably not ready yet.

    We have a walnut tree next to our house and they're still really green.

  3. I have a walnut tree and I don't pick them...just wait for them to fall out of the tree. This how you should proceed once you have collected them. Best of Luck.

  4. Walnuts are always safe to eat.

    To eat them as nuts, wait until the outer fruit has turned brown and the nut is hard.  That's unlikely to be for a few weeks yet.  Keep them in a dry place until the outer fruit has dried out, then rub it off.  They'll keep for months, but they stay fresher in polythene bags.

    If you want pickled walnuts, pick the fruit when it's green about July.  You boil them in brine and soak them in spiced vinegar and they take on their black wrinkly appearance - and dye your hands black in the process.

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