
How Do I make A Nick Jonas Life Size Cut Out?

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ok... i am an obessed (I mean overly obessed) with the jonas brothers. I want to make a life size cut out of nick to start off with. How do I make a life size cut out of him. (if you watched trl this morning of aug. 14. a girl was brought up to the room with a life size cut out of nick) if you know what i mean something like that. but baiscly to clear things up how do i make a life size cut out of nick j my stud muffin?




  1. ughhhhh why tha h**l would u want to?

    that's a little creepy....

    but it would be easy to do..

    blow up a pic and paste it cardboard..

    i guess

    but the jonas brothers suck

  2. thats really creepy of you to want to do that

  3. why would you even do that

  4. ok you need help

  5. do you plan on sleeping with it?

    wow...just buy a mannequin, and dress like one of those Jonas broads and away you go...  

  6. i know if you bring pictures to some places that devolp pictures lets you make really big ones =] i think places like kodak do that =] hehe i want one too  =]  

  7. I was about to ask the same question x]

    i saw the girl with the lifesize cut outs of Joe & nick today on TRl.

    i was like OMJ!

    I need to that!

    I need it in my room. x]

    I don't know how, but im tyring to find out.

    If i find out i'll be sure to message you telling you how.


    Hood luck xD

  8. Hehe that's a bit creepy...but I'd want one too! LOL.

    Find a pic of Nick, enlarge it.....

    If you did it on microsoft word or something it wouldn't be lifesize though of course,

    I suggest checking out magazines like J-14 and BOP, they always have huge posters of JB :)

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