
How Do I stop the tide of tree-killing snail-mail spam?

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I barely use the postal system at all. At home I get minimal mail, occasionally some junk mail, but not bad.

My office, however is another story altogether. My inbox is constantly full of unsolicited brochures, catalogs, directories, yearly statements from companies I don't recognize, etc. Easily a cubic foot of junk per day. Most of if goes directly to the recycling bin. Is there a way to let these companies know I don't want their stuff, I won't read it, and I'm tired of sifting through it. I mean lumberjacks would complain about wasting this much paper. I want it gone.




  1. It's time consuming, but you have to call or go to the websites of the companies sending you the stuff.  They will have a means to get off the mailing list, but you might have to spend alot of time doing it.  I had to go through this a few months ago, but it was well worth it.

  2. I've recently used a website that gets you off the junkmail lists. I'll send the link below. I don't know if it will work for an office. The only other alternative is to call companies directly.

    I've also heard of people putting a note to their mail carrier that says no junkmail.

  3. Check out the link below from a cool site called Ideal Bite, which specializes in tips for light green living.  This particular page has a few links for sites that can help you get rid of all that annoyingly wasteful junk mail.  I've registered my office, and can't wait to see the reduction in mail.  Good luck!

  4. just make a visit to your post office eaplain the matter  they can& should help

  5. Follow this link to the postal preference site and get them to add you onto their data base hope this works for you it did me

    there is also the telephone preference service as well I don't get the double glazing people phoning at tea time anymore and if they do they can be fined up to £5000

  6. I too got a lot of junk mail.  I found this website which has a ton of tips on how to get rid of most of it:

    It isn't as easy as just sending a note to one place and having it stop.  But, if you are persistent, you should be able to stop the majority of unwanted items and keep getting a bit of it that you might actually be interested in.  

    It does cost money for companies to send you mail and I am sure they would like to spend it on potential customers rather than people who dump it in the trash can without even reading it!

    I tried one of the techniques myself - using a wrong spelling or initial on my name to see what junk mail came to me with that spelling - so you know who is selling your name to marketing lists.  It turns out my magazine subscription to "Better Homes and Gardens" magazine sold my name to at least one-third of all the junk I was receiving!  Once I told them to stop it I saw a big improvement.

    This site lets you register your address:

    Good luck!

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