
How Do Irish People speak to day.?

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Do Irish people really speak irish or now known as galici or do they speak Old English.




  1. I am Irish.

    This is how we speak.

    'Hello, how are you today? And your family? I hope they are all well.'

    Hard to follow, isn't it?

  2. This answer refers to natives of the Irish island and therefore does not include recent immigrant

    The main three languages:

    Irish Gaelic (Gaelige),


    and Ulster-Scots (Ulstèr-Scotch/  Scotch).

    * A dialect of modern English.

    Everyone (the vast vast majority of people) over the school-going age of 5 speak English fluently or near-fluently. They have to, otherwise they would not get ahead in the country.

    From Wikipedia:

    Of the Republic of Ireland's 4,057,646 residents who are aged three and over, 1,656,790 people (40.9%) regard themselves as competent in Irish. However, the number of people speaking Irish reflects the fact that Irish is a compulsory subject in education. Outside the educational system, 1,203,583 (29.7% of the population aged three years and over) regard themselves as competent Irish speakers. Of these 85,076 (7.1%) speak Irish on a daily basis, 97,089 (8.1%) weekly, 581,574 (48.3%) less often, 412,846 (34.3%) never, and 26,998 (2.2%) didn't state how often.[2] The number of people in the Gaeltacht regions of Ireland is 89,260, as of the 2006 census. Of these, 71.4% aged three and over speak Irish and approximately 60% speak Irish on a daily basis.[3]

    The 2001 census in Northern Ireland showed that 167,487 (10.4%) people 'had some knowledge of Irish'. Combined, this means that around one in three people (~1.8 million) on the island of Ireland can understand Irish to some extent.

    From Wikipedia:

    The 1999 Northern Ireland Life and Times Survey found that 2% of Northern Ireland residents claimed to speak Ulster Scots, which would mean a total speech community of approximately 30,000 in the territory, which does not include County Donegal. Some advocates have claimed that Ulster Scots is spoken by up to 100,000 people.[5]

  3. Both.

  4. im half irish and most people speak english

  5. While Irish is the first official language in Ireland and is taught in all the schools, most of the people speak English.  Out of a population of nearly four and a quarter million people, about one and a half million people speak the Irish language on a regular basis.  About 85,000 people live in areas (mainly in the west of Ireland) called Gaeltachts where Irish is the main language spoken on a daily basis and in the home.

    In Ireland when we are speaking in the English language we refer to the Irish language as 'Irish'. When we speak in Irish the language is called 'Gaeilge'.

  6. All people in Ireland have conversational Irish as learned in school, but there are still areas in Ireland, called An Gaeltacht where all the locals speak Irish and very little English.

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