
How Do Most Russians Treat Asians In Russia?

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I'm talking about Chinese-type Asians, not Indian ones. How much racism is there towards them?




  1. Just like here in U.S. there are some people who accept everyone and some who don't show as much respect as they should.

  2. The probability that you'll run up to someone who is racist towards Asians is much likely in Russia compared to other countries. Also I don't think racists will see much difference between the Chinese and the Filipinos of the Philippines, they all have chinked eyes.

  3. Mongoloids are disliked. Towards Orientals the attitude is normal up till Moscow but after the longitude line is passed into Western European Russia and places like St. Petersburg there are some racists. But they generally only dislike Asians with Indianic looks i.e. Georgians, people from countries ending with 'stan', Turks, Kurds etc. Many Russians have asian ancestory and according to wikipedia almost 1/4 of Russia isn't Russian.

  4. Russians aren't racist. Don't worry about it. Just don't p**s any of them off

  5. No. Racism in relation to Chineses practically is not present.

    Now only in Moscow there live 50 000 Chineses. In Moscow 7 newspapers in the Chinese language, 4 of them - daily are published.

    In total in Russia in one stage is 200 thousand Chineses and 150 thousand Koreans.

    Especially many Chineses live in the far east of Russia.

  6. Fighting n**i's is my hobby! Russia used to be the most multi-cultural place on earth, and after USSR took control of all those asian countries, it became even more so.. however now adays its an uncertain future, and many factions beliveve their way will prevail. This includes extremists, including neo-n**i's.. mostly brainwashed idiots being controlled by a few ruthless mother fuckers. Since you're not black its already a little better. But since you're not white, better not walk alone in dark empty streets, dress well (shiny shoes, etc... not like some school boy or bum), be alert, and if you're not a complete coward carry some weapon with you! :-) have fun

    russia's not that kind of place where people are afraid to do stuff. on the one hand its good because freedom, but on the other hand dis-order, drama, etc

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