
How Do Most Scene Girls Do Their Nails?

by  |  earlier

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i know i am going to be call a poser, but do "scene" (if you must stereo type it) girls do their nails? i am only asking this because i want to be more original, i don't want to do my nails/hair like most "scene" girls do. i am just checking to be sure i am not copying most scenesters.





  1. If you don't want to look like a poser,

    Don't even do anything to your nails.

    But if you want to go for what you want, like being YOURSELF. Go for it.. even it if it does seem like "scene". No one cares if your not purposely doing it.

  2. My advice: Don't worry about it. Do what makes you happy and your style will be totally individual.

    But since you ARE worried about it... I see a lot of overdone nails, with patterns and rhinestones. That reverse French tip thing that's been going on for a couple years is way over too (you know, bright colors on the tips...).

    Short and dark is coming back this fall, so if you want to avoid that, go natural. I once saw a survey (sorry, I can't remember where) where men were polled on the four major nail styles - natural, short and dark, long and red, and French. Natural came in second just behind French.


  4. umm well, i get really creative with my nails. i like mixing and matching bright colors. For example, right now my nails are painted a light pink base color and i made little dot flowers.

    Other examples of things i do are stripes, horizontal and diagonal, or I'll paint my nails one color and then paint the tips a different color.

    I dunno be creative!

    i agree with that one other girl, i don't think they have anything specific, i'm just telling u what i do.

  5. Black, red or fluorescent colours. And heres a great brand that does them.  

  6. Hahaha.

    I'm pretty sure ALL scene kids eat.

    Stop eating.

    You want to be original, don't you??

    Scene girls don't do their nails any specific way.

    No group of people tend to do their nails as a specific trait of their label or whatev.

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