
How Do People Find Motivation to do Assignments/Study and Stop Procrastinating?

by Guest57175  |  earlier

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What helps you start that dreaded assignment and stop procrastinating.




  1. I start small. Say I want to clean my home, I'll set a goal of 5 minutes of non-stop cleaning. After I've achieved that, I can continue if I'd like, but I don't have to. I tell myself that I set a goal and achieved it. That alone is enough to break the cycle of not knowing where or how to begin.

    Yeah 5 minutes sounds like nothing, but that's the whole point. It's so easy that not having the motivation to achieve such a minuscule task is laughable.

  2. I am a procrastinator by nature.  The only way I can get things done is to go to the library.  I don't let myself leave until I have finished a certain goal.  For example, today I had to study for finals.  I HATE studying for finals.  It's not a real assignment, just re-reading things over and over.  So I forced myself to go to the library and not leave until I had gone over X amount of chapters.  It's too easy to get distracted or do other things at home.

  3. Discipline yourself. Say to yourself tomorrow i am going to get up early and plan, in writing, what all studies or assignments you are supposed to do.  by evening go through your noted plans and if you have done accodingly appreciate yourself and if not laugh at yourself and tell I am going to do it tomorrow at any cost and agin plan write it down and do the same procedure. By that you are challenging whatever negative spirit yo have in you and bring out the positive spirit inside you and you will become a successful person.

  4. set a goal and stick to it. just think that if you are able to finish your assignments on time then you'll be able to have free time to do something you like. study in a place where there is no distraction.  

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