
How Do People "Sign Up" For Reality Shows?

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Or do they not sign up?

How does it work?




  1. first u need to want to be an actor. second u must be able to cry or start a fight for any reason (doesn't need to be a good one). and then u make yourself out to be promiscuous or judgmental, and then go online to the show you want to sign up for's website.

    get some av kids from your school to film it then create your own website to put it on

  2. Well, I would start with the website of the show you would like to try out for. For example Survivor check out the Cbs website. Usually they hold openings for reality shows in a local place in a couple of states. Usually California,New York,Chicago,Michigan,Vegas. Check out and click on jobs/ gigs/services This is a good spot to start. But when trying out for these roles you will want to be over the top, very dramatic. You have to figure out what character suits you best are you the fighter,the lover,the emotional one etc. Then when you interview you have to catch their eye you have to have your nitch. There are several hundred of people trying out for these shows you have to have something that they dont have. Figure out what it is and put a spin on it and practice. So if you can cry at the drop of a dime figure out why you are crying. Are you just emotional because I would bet there are alot of people that are just emotional. Maybe you are cheaing on your boyfriend with your sisters fiancee' and you are so worried  that you now have an eating disorder and to help you through that you are a compulsive shoplifter,lol. I dont know you just want to make GOOD tv so that is what the producers are looking for.

    GOOD LUCK!! start with

  3. I've seen casting calls on Facebook and Myspace. Also check out different networks websites. Also goggle "reality tv casting calls". I'm sure you'll get a lot of hits, becareful cause not all are legit.

  4. well to be on a reality show. i think you have to be legal [18]

    if you are, then you have to read through what reality show you wanna be on. each ones different but alota them are on the site.

    they live in laguna beach.

    idk. just search "reality tv casting calls"

    and get some information on them and audition if you want

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