
How Do Speed Camera's Work! [Ireland]

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Right ~ This morning on my way to work I got done by the Garda for speeding.

There was a van right in front of me and he got pulled in and I was told to pull in also and wait until they were done with the van and then they'd move onto me.

I have just been informed that speed camera's take some time to load up after taking the speed of a vehicle meaning that I couldn't have got caught speeding as I was right behind the van.

Is this true?

Does anyone know how speed camera's work and if i can challenge the gards to see if my car was really on the camera?




  1. >>  How Do Speed Camera's Work!

    Does it really matter HOW?  Anyway, there's a speed radar that feeds the info the a computer.  If the speed is above the speed limit, then it a picture is taken and recorded (with the speed).


    >>  Does anyone know how speed camera's work and if i can challenge the gards to see if my car was really on the camera?

    If your were clocked and snapped, you will find out by getting a ticket in the mail.

    The only way to fight it is to go and audit the camera / radar and make sure they did their calibration.  

    Good luck...

  2. no its pie crust

  3. they are digital and save the info on a hard disc

    recovery rate to take the next one is fast, bcoz some persons think that if you right behind a speeder there is not enough time to catch you as well

    you only get caught if you are going too fast

    maybe they had a speed 'gun' and tracked you anyway - the bottom line is that they ARE accurate and it will be very hard for you to get out of this one without points and a fine. SLOW DOWN.

  4. You have been misinformed. The van most likely had a laser operated camera, there is no "loading" time.

    If you think you weren't speeding then go to court and plead not guilty. The Garda will produce their evidence then you can challenge it.

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