
How Do Subwoofers Work?

by Guest63993  |  earlier

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How do subwoofers work? why do they blow out the hole? Is there a certain name for that? Whats going on inside of the subwoofer?




  1. its all about air movement from the lowest frequencies but you can check here

  2. "How do subwoofers work?"

    "Why do they blow out the hole?"

    They don't, it's used to bring air back to the coil so it doesn't break.  If the speaker was solid then it would simply build up air pressure and eventually break.

    "Is there a certain name for that?"


    "Whats going on inside of the subwoofer?"

  3. Sub woofers are designed to reproduce the low end of the audio spectrum. The bass, as it would be called in Music Class. They do this by accepting a signal from whatever source is feeding them and applying it to what is termed a cross-over network. This simple circuit filters or attenuates high and mid frequencies of audio and passes the low end of the audio spectrum to the transducer, in this case a speaker, which then outputs the processed audio to the listener. Modern sub woofers now contain amplification circuitry as well as cross-over circuitry. These amplifiers can actually serve as a part of, or as the entire, cross-over network by the bias designed in the application of the semi conductor devices deployed. In most cases, these would be integrated circuits designed in a laboratory and manufactured as monolithic devices.  This is also why they have an AC cord attached to home products or a DC power source requirement for automotive or other such applications.  Many modern sound and video processing devices (formerly called  Amps or Receivers) also have separation circuitry designed in, and have a special port to output nothing but the low-end frequencies. This output is then supplied as the input to the non directional sub woofer, which can be placed anywhere in a room or listening area without consideration for aiming or orientation toward a listener. This separation circuitry is what forms the basis for both the new and old Dolby sound processing systems, and is a requirement for such circuitry to

    conform to the standards of Surround Sound System audio, whether is be 5.1 or the newer 6.1 and 7.1 systems known as Dolby Pro Logic.

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