
How Do Vegan's Get Protein?

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How do Vegan's get Protein? I'm a Vegetarian so I eat eggs and like Protein Shakes and stuff but how do Vegan's get Protein?




  1. There is protein in lots of food. What do you think cows eat?  

  2. Beans and nuts.

    And certain vegetables that have protein.

    btw, protein deficiency is not usually a problem.  Most Americans get more protein than they need.

  3. TSP,TVP,Seitan,Beans,Tofu,Nuts

    You may like to know that the absorption rate of nutrients from a plant based diet is higher than that of a meat diet. The cow got most of it's protein from veggies, so if you eat beef you receive the protein second hand.

  4. Tofu

    Seitan (wheat gluten)




    Numerous vegetables

    Whole grains

    Mock meats (veggieburgers etc.)

  5. well because vegans do not eat meat or fish. they can usually get protein from nuts and stuff, and cheese.


  6. Vegans (no apostrophe in a plural) get protein by EATING.  It's as simple as that.  As long as you're getting enough calories and they aren't mostly junk food, you're going to get enough--if not more than enough--protein than you need.  Ever heard of kwashiorkor?  Look it up, and you'll see why it's all but unheard-of in industrialized nations.  Even vegans get more protein than they need.

  7. Vegan people get protein from food. Where does an elephant get protein.

    Bread, pasta, cereal, rice, beans, peas, lentils, nuts, seeds, fruits and veggies can easily offer everything that you need except B12.

    All vegetarians should take a B12 supplement regularly since most people eat meat, dairy AND fortified cereals yet still have a B12 status that is lower than recommended.

    It may help you if you see proof that vegetarian people have the same potential as anyone else.

    If you need meat or dairy during any stage of your life or to live any certain lifestyle, why does the American Dietetic Association say otherwise?

  8. From food.

    If you're eating a varied vegetarian diet, you should be getting more than enough protein without protein shakes.  Taking supplemental protein is rarely warranted and can be detrimental to your health (excess protein, especially animal protein, causes calcium to leach from your bones, taxes the kidneys and irritates the immune system.)

    We get our protein from almost everything we eat: soybeans and soy foods (tofu, tempeh, tvp, faux meat products, soy milk, etc...) beans and other legumes (lentils, peas, peanuts, peanut butter, chickpeas,) whole grains, nuts, seeds, fruits and vegetables (especially dark green ones,) and mushrooms.  A balanced vegan diet with enough calories to meet one's energy needs contains plenty of protein.

  9. soy, soy, soy! Alot of beans, especially soy beans, have protien. Spinach pies are extremely filling+ good for you, and they're really yummy!  You should try those things.

    hope this helps!!


  10. fortified cereals, rice milk/cheese, tofu, rice, veggies, veg@n burgers, nuts, beans, peanut butter, seitan. Want anymore or is that enough for right now?

  11. soya bean

  12. You don't actually need protein- which then has to be broken down before it can be assimilated.  What you need is amino acids- the building blocks of protein.  Most amino acids are made by the body by recycling old tissues.  Of the ones which must be obtained from dietary sources, all are readily available in vegetables, beans, legumes and grains.

    Protein deficiency is rarely seen outside of famine conditions.  Odds are, if you consume enough calories- you're getting plenty of protein.

  13. Soy. Most beans. Supplements.  

  14. hi plenty of nuts non salted obv :)

  15. Gee! I'm a meat eater and I know the answer. Didn't you learn the protein food group in school?

    Meat, eggs, dairy, beans, peas, nuts, seeds, and grains.  

  16. easy...   all things have protein.

    veggies and fruits alone give you the proper amounts of protein daily.. if you eat right.

    you don't need amazing amounts of this..    i know.. i'm a vegetarian and i'm on lipitor... why?  because i still get more protein daily then recommended.

    not kidding...

    just look at this site and read up on the protein information.. of course there's mineral information also.

    you'll find that it is all too easy to get protein.

    don't listen to the meatheads out there.. they just want to be right.. in which they aren't.

    you don't need any 30 grams of protein a day,  you'll have a heart attack!

  17. Good vegan sources of protein include almonds, black beans, cashews, fake meat, garbanzo beans (chickpeas), kidney beans, lentils, lima beans, peanut butter, pinto beans, soybeans, soymilk, sunflower seeds, and tofu.

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