
How Do YOU Pronounce This In Your Head When You Read...???

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"JWs" (short for Jehovah's Witnesses) in the questions and answers here on R&S?

Vot has always "read" it as similar to the way I say "Jews", only with a slight pause in between, kinda like "Jewooz" (but saying the 'oo' sound very quick.

Silly question probably, but I just typed out "non-Jews" in a recent answer and realised "non-JWs" and "non-Jews" sound the same (in my head) and wondered whether anyone else "pronounces" abbreviations in their heads as they read/write them out.

Asked simply coz Vot is curious- if you don't feel like answering the question, please click on "Show me another".......





  1. JWs =  pronounced as:  jay double yous

    Jws = Could be a misspelling of Jews with the e key missed

    [i.e. The W must be capitalized for it to represent Jehovah's

    Witnesses & so as not to confuse it with a misspelling for Jews unless you drop the "s" and simply use JW or Jw or jw.]

    In fact according to "JW" as an acronym for Jehovah's Witnesses is one of the top verified acronyms for JW.

    Acronym: a word formed from the initial letters or groups of letters of words in a set phrase or series of words, as Wac from Women's Army Corps, OPEC from Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries, or loran from long-range navigation. per


    ♕ Vöt

    I think I am going to have to talk to you on the phone someday just to hear what that accent really sounds like.  Ã¢Â˜Âº  Or maybe next time you post a dance video you could like say something for us? I mean in English of course.

    OvO  It took me a while to realize this represents an owl


      Ã‚°v°   I think I got the hang of it now...  lol

    ⊙⋁⊙  Wide awake owl

    ⊝⋁⊝  Sleeping owl

    ⊛v⊛  Owl with stars in it's eyes [or in ♕ Vöt's case with bloodshot eyes from staying up on Y!A 24/7]

  2. I pronounce it Jay-Double-Yews, actually. I assumed everyone did. :p


  3. "Jay doubleyous."

  4. I read it as: Jehovah's Witnesses.

    Doesn't matter to me  'how'  it's put JW's; J's W's; Jah's W's.

    I put it like this; J's W's.

  5. Jay Dubble Yous

    I rarely get it mixed up with "Jews", although I can see how it can be done.

  6. I say the letters as 4 syllables.

  7. Always jay double-u's.

  8. I separate the letters. J- Jay. W- double u.

  9. Jay double you

  10. LOL Vot is this spiritually speaking??? lol

    I think jay double you.

    Do you get annoyed when people abbreviate it? Just wondered because I feel like I am being offensive when I abbreviate,

  11. I pronounce it as:  

    the letter "J" & double "u's".

    I say the letters...  I always assumed it was referring to us.

    It is interesting how you view it.

    ♥ o\/o ♥

  12. Vot! Привет!!!

    I also say it in my head as 'Jewooz' or  'Jeweez' (saying the ee kind of short).

    LOL LOL! I didn't realise ANYONE ever pronounced it as 'Jay doubleyous' !

    Deeply Unprejudiced likes Vot. :))

  13. J (ay) W (double yooz)


    Add~~~ Ok, fine. Others already beat me to it. That's what I get for not reading other answers first.

  14. yes, it happens to me same as vot

  15. Jay-dubble-yooz

  16. i always pronounce the letters as they are normally pronounced.

    Jay Double U's

  17. I call them's totally G

  18. Jay Double u's

  19. I read it as Jehovah's Witnesses myself.

  20. at first i thought it meant Jews.  

  21. jay dubbleyews

  22. I pronounce JW's  as J. "dubs"  and Jews more like (chews with a "j")

  23. It's variable. Sometimes I'll do that, sometimes I'll think of it as "Jay-Double U's".

  24. With me being in and from the southern United States I pronounce it as J [Jay] W [doubleya] hahahaha!!!  

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