
How Do You Best Care For Heather?

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I found some beautiful Heather and put her in a shaded bed under an oak tree. I have provided her the necessities, but my concern is that the foundation was rather rocky and I wonder if she will be able to establish strong roots and flourish.

I hear Heather is quite resilient, but could you suggest any other tips for a long, healthy life...




  1. Make sure the soil is loose all around the heather plant. You need two inches underneath, two inches around so the roots can just grow and take off. So, with your hands, tackle it. Don't apply pressure on the soil. Be sure to water it at least every other day.  You need to maintain the moisture so don't forget to mulch the area..Love honey

  2. Keep her away from men, we are pure evil

  3. Heather usually likes an open situation, not shade. However if your climate is hot it may be better shaded. After flowering clip it over to remove the dead flowers. If a heather gets too woody you can renovate it by covering up with good soil so just the tips show. It will then root into the soil, giving you lots of new rooted plants, that you just cut off and replant. Good luck with your lucky heather.

  4. I grab her by her roots and spank the earth from her bottom, then take her to the bathroom and bather her clean in warm water making sure not to bruised her petals and then place her in a warm fertile bed open to daily exposure of warmth and moisture so that she can seed properly and burgeon an blossom as I adore her foliage day after day. Heather may be resilient but she can use a little warmth and attention as she make her new home her own.

  5. Lucky. Heather should be planted in a well prepared bed. It will need good drainage. The evidence as to whether or not you have done this will be evident in the color of the leaves of the plant. It should have a rich color, if it does not then you must feed it with a Rhododendron type fertiliser. This is best done in late Winter or late Spring. Spread the fertiliser around the drip line (the circumference of the plant) and water in well. Heather can be beautiful

  6. When transplanting any healthy plant always mimic what you found when you removed it. Same light, same soil, same water conditions. If it is a woody plant, it may benefit from being cut back about a third so it can root well. Other than that, just water frequently for the first week and then taper off until all conditions are natural and the plant is growing.

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