
How Do You Clean Hockey Equipment?

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How Do You Clean Hockey Equipment?




  1. For me I don't clean it I just fresh it out I usually jjust use Febrezze

  2. what i do is air it out right after i use it

    but you can also take the pads out and wash them i do that once in a while

    there is also A LOT  of companies and sporting good stores that clean put them in a machine to clean them and they are pretty good.

    either that or use fabreez:)

  3. Some sports stores have special machines

    to clean sports equipment.

    they charge for like how long its in there

    or how much you need cleaned.

    otherwise, i just air it out.

    Febreeze = my savior. lol.

    also, i have one of those lovely smelling deodorant balls in my bag.

    it makes it smell lemony.

    my teammates come up to me in the middle of games and practices and are like, "whoa! you smell yummy." lol. (:

  4. Between games, you should wipe them down with a wet paper towel first, then use Febreeze to spray on them to get rid of the odor. Then let them dry (I don't recommend outside because leaves and stuff could get onto your pads and stick to them because they'll be wet). You should be good to go!

    I don't recommend putting them in the washing machine. It could mess up the washer because they're so bulky.

    In the offseason, you can put them in the bath tub and give them a real good wash or spray them with a hose.

  5. Airing it out on nice summer days is a great way just lay it out or hang it on a close line. Most equipment stinks cause it is left in your bag. Lay it out when you get home. If gloves and other stubborn part of Equipment hold odor freeze them. Most stink comes from mold spores. They can't live threw freezing. So put them in bags and freeze them. Also a second pair of gloves is a good idea to keep one fresh!!!

    Good luck I hope i help some!!!

  6. You can Fabreeze after playing and then air dry. You can put elbow pads, Shoulder pads, pants and shin guards in the washing machine. You can put all your gear on and jump in the pool . Then air it out. You can take it to a professional service that will sanitize it for you. That is well worth the price. To make your gloves smell better I put dryer sheets in mine after I play.  Any of these options will work. I have used them all.

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