
How Do You Convert Traffic To Sales ?

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How Do You Convert Traffic To Sales ?




  1. This does not require a long answer. before you manufacture or sell a product or service make sure that there is a demand for it. Don't recreate the wheel, instead get people to buy the square.

  2. relevenat keywords and products would help, so that people who come to the site are actually searching for that product to buy.

  3. Your question is more of a general business question than an SEO. Yes, I call all the customers ( online of offline ) as "traffic" hence, it is a mirror image of a general business. Lets take a small and quick tour about the same by considering these examples:

    If a pedestrian walk-in to your showroom to buy Shoe, he first approach a sales person. Then, look out for a brand ( title ) of the shoe. Once the sales person gives a better description about the shoe.. he then compare it with the other market!!

    If he is satisfied with any of the feature, the sales person explains, he may go to purchase a pair by questioning the guy " do you have a guarantee ? where is the customer service located ? whom shall I contact in case of assistance ?"

    So, it depends on the key points ( if you observed ) whether the customer purchases the product or not!!

    There are many marketing companies which says that they convert your traffic to sales.. its impossible until you have the below discussed factors with you...

    Relevant content : Your content should have 100% relevancy with your product.. ( it should act like a sales person who can't fool the live customer until the customer himself is ready to become so.. lol..)

    Better SEO : Follow good seo tactics, not black hat seo... maintain best links to your site.

    Genuine Info : The product info you provide should be genuine.. it should not be fake.You may sell a product if you fake.. but that's cause you a great difficuilty when  the purchaser give a bad feedback on your product to other world.. you are not going to convert any further sale if you do so..

    Testimonials : Get some good testimonials from your clients. Put them on the site with their permission. It creates a good impression when someone read the testimonial. Especially when its given by big heads .

    Comparison : Compare your product with outside market. But, don't criticize any... you should give an impression as if you are the only one who offers excellect service before and after the sale. For comparing, you may provide free market research or, link to other similar sites etc., which are legal and safe.

    If I keep writing... my keyboard is gonna schold me for hitting it too fast and hard.. I type very speedly!! lol....

    For more help, yahoo, or google it once with these keywrods " convert traffic to sales " sales conversion, ROI, etc.,

    PS: If you ever want any help in this, or do you know anyone who wants some SEO help, you may refer 'em to me or to


  4. Hi

    To converting traffic to sales you need to have call to actions in your page. Normally it should be in the right sige because of the eyeflow...

    Make sure To have call to action bigger than other staff and it will make people to phone you or fill the form...

    Kind regards

  5. Promote  your website on major and product relevant keywords.. use website stats ..analyse it  and try to find from which site you are getting relevant  traffic , use PPC and other paid sites to get good number of relevant traffic..


    Swani s****.>

  6. Ok... some of the other answers were about getting more traffic.  Since you are asking for more SALES.. here goes:

    You must have something people want to buy.

    They must be able to see it in less than 3 seconds.

    You must reduce the "worry" and "friction" people have about your product by introducing credibility indicators.

    Your traffic must be from sources which sends you quality prospects.  E.g. search traffic is WAY better than stumbleupon traffic.

    Your site must clearly explain, in skimmable fashion, your offer, the benefits, etc.

    Your site must load quickly, be reliable, and look great on all browser types.

    You must capture the email addresses of visitors, even if they do not buy, and build your email list.

    You must review your competition and decide what is working or not working for them.  

    You must do incentive experiments - and make offers that appeal to people.

    You must do price experiments - see what the market will bear.

    Scott Clark

    (unavailable for hire)

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