
How Do You Dewax a Surfboard?

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I know you can buy special sponges but they are expensive are there any other ways.




  1. I let it sit wax side up in the sun for about a half hour so the wax gets soft, then use a hard straight edge to scrape it off.  A piece of strong cardboard will do.  You probably want to put some old newspaper under it so the junky old wax doesn't mess up whatever you're working on, which should be outdoors.

  2. I think so.

  3. use a wax works really well for me! try it!!♥

  4. It depends on how clean you want it.  Definitely a wax comb, plastic spatula or somthing to get off the top layers...  but if you really want it to be beautiful and like new (to sell it, or just because you want to get that black c**p out) I use a hairdryer and an old shirt.  Put the hairdryer on a spot for a couple of seconds until the wax gets soft, and you can buff it completely gone.  with practice, the whole deck doesn't take very long at all.

  5. I don't know about surfboards, but there is a product its brand is MEGUIARS is a product to remove wax for cars, maybe it could work.

  6. I have used denatured alcohol and a towel, it took some rubbing but was not too bad.

  7. Buy a wax comb, use an old credit card, any straight edge that won't scratch your board... To make it easier, use a hair dryer or let it sit in the sun to make the wax soft.

    Scrape it off, wad it up into a ball and throw it away, or start a collection......

    Change the wax on your board once it starts getting dirty to keep your board light and clean looking.

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