
How Do You Explain this?

by  |  earlier

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A few backs I had a dream, not sure why but it's strange.

I somehow packed all my belonging, my bed, everything, into my car (don't ask me how I did it when I drive an '08 Cobolt). Drove all the way down to North Carolina, and was liveing in an apartment buliding. I had a dog... a Great Dane that I rasied from puppy-hood. He was brindle colored, and his ears were floppy (not croped) and I named him Nemo. Next thing I knew, I came home from somewhere, and there was someone at my door, I yelled from the kitchen area 'who is it." and got a response I couldn't hear. Went and opened the door to find it was my lastest ex's/best friend's father. I was suprised he found me, didn't tell anyone except my parents where I was going. Invited him into the apartment, Nemo layed at his feet growling at him. We sat and talked for awhile, and he mainly wanted to know why I left, and why I didn't say anything to my ex/best friend.

More details comeing.....




  1. I truly believe that dreams mean nothing. I would just ignore it personally.

  2. First of all - I live in NC, come on down!!!

    Seriously - abut your dream.  

    *You packed everything up

    *Drove to NC in a new car

    *Got a big dog

    *ex's/best friend's Dad was there

    *he found you, which was a surprise

    *then your ex/best friend found you

    The car is important and symbolic of your life.  The fact that you are in a new car and can carry all of your belongings means you really are in a place when you go pack up and go.  (Have you recently graduated from school? got a new job?)

    The dog means you are seeking companionship, or loyalty.  

    The fact your ex's/best friends Dad came looking for (and found) means you think he knows you pretty well.  

    The dog was protecting you and cautious of him, he was on guard.

    When your ex shows up, Nemo knows that you should be with that person and sets the stage so you can enjoy "graphic details."  

    The running water is symbolic of the unconscious in your dreams and is significant because you heard it but didn't see it.    

    With this all said - did you and your ex break up because there were trust issues?  do you have regrets of not being completely honest about this breakup?  

    I would not advocate getting back together based on this dream.  But do consider the relationships you are in and the opportunities around you.

    I've attached an article on dream interpretation with a link to a dream dictionary and it may further help you.

  3. sounds to me like ur having issues w ur life or the way things are going. In ur dream ur packing up and leaving, escaping even. Not telling ne1 where ur going says u wanna strike out on ur own, be independent. ur dog growling at a representative of ur old life is another way of showing that u want a new life a new start.

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