
How Do You Feel About Growth Hormones in Animal Meat?

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I recently read an article about growth hormones in beef/chicken. It claimed that many farmers inject their animals w/ these growth hormones to gain profit b/c they are paid by weight. Also said that most will inject into the muscle instead of safer places like behind the ear. Which you then are eating.

These growth hormones have also been reported to link to cancer, being especially harmful to women, causing breast cancer and the like.

Also, Europe does not allow beef from America. Apparently for all of these reasons.

Knowing this, how do you feel about it all? I know most of us aren't aware of what we're really eating, where it comes from, how it got there.




  1. I have a friend who is a vegetarian. When I asked her why, she said it's because she grew up on a farm and she saw all the hormones they put into the meat and chickens and that she believes that is why we have the breast cancer problems.  I have since been buying all my meat at a meat market that has hormone free meat and try and by more organic type of foods and veggies. My grandmother had breast cancer and my mother has it now, so I figured better be safe then sorry. Not sure if it's true though.  

  2. It's really sad how manufacturers, companies & farmers torture us & make us die a SLOW, miserable death, just so they can make a "profit". These growth hormones might be why everyone is so emotional, irritable, & depressed all the time.

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