
How Do You Feel About Little Kids Getting Pregnant?

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0 LIKES UnLike Im just searching around Yahoo Answers, and Im realizing that I keep seeing questions like "Im 14 and pregnant" "Im 15 and pregnant", so I decided to type in a question to see if these were true as well...I typed in "13 and pregnant" and there was hundreds of questions from that, so I went lower and typed "12 and pregnant", yet again, alot of questions. The last thing I put was jesus christ..there are 11 and 12 year olds getting pregnant..teens getting pregnant is sick enough and pisses me off to no end, but not even a teen yet? Thats insane..what is the world coming to these days? When I was 11-12 I was thinking of Barbies! Not dropping my pants! And people actually support little kids getting pregnant? They arent even old enough to know how to be a real parent! And dont leave comments being like "oh this shouldnt be your problem" Yea I know its not my problem, but its something that bothers me a whole lot, does anyone agree?




  1. Well yeah it isn't normal but what and who is now? Back when people didn't live so long people were having children young maybe not so much at 12 but at 14 and 15 they did. Its life and we just have to deal with it. but i do agree with you they should wait. but i dont think 14+ is anything to get stressed about some 14yr olds are quite capable of being a mom.

  2. i totally feel the same. When i get on here and i see things like "i'm 13" young girls being pregnant littlerally makes me sick to my stomach becasue i know they are just babies themselves, not mention most of the cases i've seen the father of the baby is like 18? making me more ill. and i worry about my furture children on the grounds of what kind of world will they be brought into.

  3. I agree with you!!I've asked this question before.It's actually shocking that so many young people who should be thinking about friends & school are busy spreading their legs and getting pregnant!I mean wth is this world coming to??

  4. I agree with you. I wasn't even thinking about s*x at that age. No I didn't wait until I was married and I did get pregnant as a teen. But I was 17 before I had s*x for the first time and I was 18 when I had my son. I am now 37 and have 2 teens.

    Another thing that makes me so mad is that most of the girls on here that are saying they are pregnant by guys that are 18 or older. Why are these parents not doing something about it. I found out a few months ago that my 14 year old daughter was talking to as well as had s*x with(once because he told her that he didn't want just a friend or a little girl for a girlfriend) a 18 year old father of 2(under age of 1). I hit the roof and have taken her phone he internet and she cannot be out of my sight. When I go to work, so does she. She was sneaking out of her window, it is now screwed shut. I could not press charges because the age of consent for girls in SC is 14.

    Why are these parent allowing this to happen?

    Thanks for the question and allowing me to vent.

  5. I agree. I see people saying they're getting pregnant at fifteen and it irritates because it affects how people see others teen and they believe all teens are having s*x but the truth of the matter is a lot of us aren't.  The fact of the matter is that type of behavior stems from the type of parenting the individual had growing up, so before looking at my generation we have to remember who are these individuals and what their parents instilled in them growing up. Yes i have to take responsibilities for my own actions but all my decisions always come back to the morals and values my mother instilled in me. So those individuals having kids while there in high school or worse middle school lack self-respect and we have to take time and wonder why and when did society stop paying attention to what teens are doing or i guess in this case who they're doing.

  6. There are LOT of silly trolls on YA.  They post ridiculious questions often about being very young and pregnant.  You can tell by the way that the questions are ask that it is just joker thinking they are being cute.  

    But a trend I see and do not like is teens having babies with absolutely NO clue about how they are going to support that baby.   A few, very few it seems , have partners who will step up and be responsible and help out financially.  Many of the girls here are just flat abandoned by the fathers of their child.  That is sooo wrong.  But the girls seem to half expect that.  There seems to be no link being morals and responsibility in kids today.  Having a baby young is almost a fad.  Birth control is so much more available than it was thirty years ago and so much easier to get I can find no excuse for rate of teen pregnancy.  

    ONE MORE TIME A BABY IS _NOT_ A MISTAKE.  Flunking geomotry is a mistake.  Scratching or denting your mom's car is a mistake.  Getting Pregnant is NOT a mistake.  It is carelessness and being totally irresponsible.  

    Hasn't any teen heard or understood the word NO, haven't you ever tried a bit of self control??  

    We did when we were teens but we also knew the consequences.  You got pregnant you got married.  Your Daddy went to your young man and said "Son, we will see you at the courthouse with your parents."  That was the consequence for being careless.

  7. Most of those questions are bored trolls...

    I did know in real life a girl who got pregnant at 11, gave birth at 12 and gave her child up for adoption, but she was molested by a teenage cousin. She wasn't out looking to have s*x

  8. yeah i totaly agree but if they were raped then thats differant story... but if they werent then gross not then yeah omg when i was 11 and i was pregrant omg i wouldve been dead before i was even done telling my parents

    i am with you 100%

  9. It does bother me.

    Some people are lying, but there are a lot of teen(or p*****n) moms.

    No one should be pregnant until they're at least eighteen(and that's young to have a kid)

    It ends your childhood pretty fast. There's not much time for anything else besides caring for the baby once a girl has him or her, and the father will be of no help, unless he's a rare one.

  10. We know everyone is sick of questions like that. I'm also sick of questions like THIS. It's sometimes not their fault, rape, incest, sometimes they weren't taught right.

    Can we all just stop being so judgemental and mind our own business.

  11. i completely agree

    im 17 and can't believe what some of these teenagers are doing. its sad to think that some of their parents aren't keeping a closer eye out on them so that they could prevent their child from getting pregnant.

    what has the world come to...

  12. its their problem and there is a 50% to get pregnant without having s*x, and some people just lie about it just because they want to her the thing people have to say

  13. i totally agree with u. i am around that age and i would never do that. cuz my parents raised me well enough for me to know i am not ready to be a parent and other things are more important. i hear people in my school sayin stuff like "yea i totally did her!" or "him and i are gonna go to his house this weekend...". even one of my friends was gonna go to her bf's house while his parents were outta town... i thought she was sooo stupid. thank god it didnt happen. every time i hear somethin like that, i just wanna throw up! its totally stupid!

  14. Yeah, I agree, if it's really true. NOT that I think you are lying, just a lot of these kids. Unfortunately, I do know stories about kids that young actually getting pregnant. It's like everyone is trying to grow up so fast now. No wonder the suicide rates are going up. These kids were never kids and they've missed it. I'd be depressed, too.

  15. Babies having babies.

    I've learned from a friend in UK.  14 yr. olds having permission to sleep at a bf's.

    Responsibilites way to soon.  Childhood/teens lost.

  16. sort of, there are acasionally circumstances were the girl didnt really have a choice, rapes not really an age restricted thing you know, when some b*****d gets the idea in him that itd be fun to get some and doesnt have someone at the time hes not gonna care if the woman hes about to rape is 5 or 55, theres something there and he can pleasure himself with it, any aged woman can be raped, and any age woman can lie, they can also be s***s though

  17. It's terrible. These young people are ruining their lives! I haven't even considered s*x until I'm at least out of high school.

  18. well its there problem forgetting pregnant

  19. Oh my god yes!!!!!! I'm 13 and one of my bffs just told me she was pregnant. It's totally wrong

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