
How Do You Get A Star?

by Guest31764  |  earlier

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Im not arrogrant but i think itd be cool to have a star i mean theres alot so im sure theres a way you can have one,not literally but i know you get a cute little certifacte and my names pretty uniqe so itd be cool

any help?




  1. I'll sell you a star if your that gullible.  The fact is, you cannot buy a star, they are not for sale.   If someone offers you a  star that will be named after you once you hand over your money, just know if you hand over your money, will will have just fallen for a scam and were taken.

    Tha National Star Registry is one of the places who will gladly take your money and give you a worthless certificate.  It is a scam for the uninformed.

  2. You can have a star named after you or anybody else for that matter. Just contact the International Star Registry. I had a star named after my mother. The certificate gave the right ascension and declination. One weekend I was visiting the Mt. Powell Observatory outside Bend, Oregon. I gave the telescope operator the coordinates, he dialed it into the computer and bingo, there it was. A white dot on the monitor.

  3. Try Hollywood, you might have chance in star war (Film Stars)

  4. Not really.  There are a number of companies who claim that they will have a star named after you or a person  close to you. And will send you a nice looking certificate for about $30-50.

    However, they are scams. The International Astronomical Union is the recognized body that names stars--and they do not recognize these companies or grant them the right to name stars. The certificate you get from one of these star-naming firms isn't worth the paper it's printed on, much less $50.

  5. there's a company that will give you a certificate and name one of the trillions of stars after you, give you a sky map and put this in a meaningless book in the library of congress for like $60. it means nothing, it'll be a ball of hot gas a few million light years away. save your money for a telescope and claim the sky as your own!

  6. Deanna from the Bachelorette did it...I would think start with the NASA website and work your way from there.  I believe on that episode of the Bachelorette (yes its one of my favorite shows and I'm ok with that!) she said how she got to name the star after Jason's maybe ABC's website??

    Good luck though!

  7. Can't really do that. It violates the Space Treaty. So any site that is selling the stars is fake.

  8.'s called the national star registry.

    It is...for all of the biggest scams going.

    Don't fall prey to this...don't waste your 54 dollars buying one for somebody.

    They tell you that your star will be published in some registry reality....your name will NOT be the official name for that star....that's a fact!!

    You'll get that little certificate that tells you where your star is...and trust this..

    Number 1...your little star is just that...little and insignificant.

    You'd be lucky to actually find it in the sky if you were looking for it.

    Number 2.....don't make these scam artists rich at your expense...because...all you're doing is throwing away your money.

    Check this out...and see if I'm lying!!

  9. I do believe we name all the stars we find.

    I mean, aren't names like E452 and B441 SO original?

    I can never get enough to memorize.

    If you REALLY want to have one, make one, like Darth Sidius did... that really was original... I wish I could make myself a star!

  10. No, you can't have a star named after you.  The only organization that can legally name stars is the International Astronomical Union, and they don't name them after people.  Ever.  The only things you can name are minor planets and comets, and even then there are restrictions - most of them you still can't name after yourself.

    There are tons of places online that will offer to sell you a star, but they can't legally do it and they 'sold' all the bright ones anyway, so it's not like you'd be able to even see it without a professional-grade telescope.

    But I can give you another star that might make up for the disappointment.

  11. Hi Ronni -

    I agree that your name is unique, but unfortunately the star will not be. Some of these guys don't even give you a star map - they just tell you it's out there somewhere. And the ones that do give you a map either point to a place where there is no visible star at all or to a cluster where there's a half million of them - pick one, any one. Sorry, but my recommendation is to save your money and use it for something meaningful.
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