
How Do You Get Bi-polar And Can You Catch It? If So How Please Explain.?

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please And Thank You *just Wondering.





  1. Bipolar Disorder is not something that you can necessarily catch from someone else.  If you were near someone with Bipolar disorder you wouldn't be able to catch it from them like you would a cold.  However it is something that tends to be genetic meaning that it can run in families; most often in females.  Therefore if someone's mother had Bipolar Disorder there is a greater chance that her daughter may develop it versus a mother who did not have it.  This doesn't mean that the daughter will develop it at some point.  The chances are just a little greater.

  2. I know its not contagious and can be caused by some kind of chemical imbalance in the brain.  Drugs alcohol or a lot of trauma can cause it.  If you are young and know somebody, they might have a hard way to go in their house hold.  You gotta ride the roller coaster of emotion if this person is your friend and try to be forgiving because its like having moments of insanity. It can be hereditary too.

  3. no , not a contagious diseases...

    it is a problem with the brain how we organize our thinking, feeling, and emotion..

    try chi kong exercises and limit sugar red meat and over eating no cigarettes

    no milk

  4. You can't catch bi-polar disease. it is a mental illness where someone is fine one minute and flips out the next. Its caused by numerous things and genetics can have some to do with it.

  5. You cannot catch Bi-polar disorder. Its a mental health disorder with severe highs and lows and manic episodes. If you have a familt member that is diagnosed bi-polar you may have a higher chance that you also will have it. It can take years to diagnose because manic episodes can be small and can be spaced out over long periods of time. Sometimes it misdiagnosed as depression or ADD or ADHD. There is also a type of bi-polar disorder called cyclical bi-polar. This version is characterized by huge gaps in manic episodes. It can be months or even years and the episodes can last just as long.  

  6. you cant catch it but if your family has a history of it you have a higher possibility of developing it.  

  7. Bipolar disease is a mental disorder (see below).  No, just like any other mental disorder, you cannot catch it.  You can, however, inherit the tendency to develop it.

  8. No, it's not contagious. Heredity might increase your chances, though. and being around untreated bipolar people can't be very good for your emotional health. lol.

    answer my question?;...

  9. you cant catch it.........................................       its in ur genes

  10. Bipolar is a mental illness.It can't be caught.It is more hereditary...

  11. No catching that one, for sure.  Seems genetic.  They find it all over the world, even isolated tribes.  Schizophrenia is the only other mental illness that is true for, so definitely seems organic.  You could try to get Bi-polar, I suppose, but that would require years of alcohol and drug abuse, then you would Feel Bipolar, but still wouldn't Be Bipolar.  Not making light, mind you.

  12. Bi-polar disorder is a mental disorder, you do not "catch it".

    Heredity of the disorder is being studied  (meaning you could be more likely to become bi-polar if a family member is, but doesn't necessarily mean you will become bi-polar) Also does not mean that if no one in your family has bi-polar disorder that you cannot become bi-polar.

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