
How Do You Get Used To The Water?

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I Live In North Georgia, Its Spring Break, And I Really Want To Go Swimming. I Stuck My Feet In The Water And It Was Cold Tho. Anyone Know Some Ways To Get Used To The Water?




  1. Find yourself some courage and jump right in. Immediately after that start swimming, jumping around; pretty much anything to get your blood flowing. That will help so that the water doesn't feel as cold and you stay warmer.

  2. Just jump in and stay in for 1 min you'll be fine!

  3. there is 2 ways

    1.put your toe in then get in slow.

    2.just jump in.

  4. get in and sit underwater.

  5. Dont go in slowly!Thats like torture!

    Just jump in and make sure your full body goes under,then in about 10 seconds youll be used to the water only if the water is extremely cold.

    Good Luck!

  6. Seriously, I swim in very cold water, you just gotta get in and stay in

  7. It's a task to make your water fear disappear.

    all I can think the easiest way is ....

    you had to find someone be with you, and warming up properly.

    due to the cold weather and water, you may pick up a silica gel cap.  wet hair will make you catch a cold.

  8. dive in.....

  9. I dont know but I love the water

  10. keep swimming

  11. I would slowly go in & then I'll get use to it. At first you might be like this is cold, but then a few minutes you will get used to it. Have fun swimming :)

  12. It is fear of being cold and uncomfortable in the water, stop worrying about it and get in and enjoy yourself, smile whilst you get in, fake it to make it.... and believe me you soon forget about the temperature and others then start to think of you as brave and a hero as they will not do it.... oops just told you a dive secret !

  13. ur asking this because ur looking for some magical answer that u think someone might have but you really do have to just get in and swim around for a bit unless that was your original intention. you could also try gettin urself real tired and hot before you get in so cold water feels good.

    trust me im a guard and hate cold water more than anything but when i have to go in its to save someone so I really dont think about it.

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