
How Do You Kiss Someone If You've Never Kissed Anyone Before?

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Please help me. I've never kissed anyone before and I like this guy. I'm not sure if he likes me or not but I really want to know how i should go about kissing him. I'm really nervous, please help!




  1. There surely isn't a right way to kiss, as it depends from person to person. It could be useful, though, to ask the person you are kissing what he likes. You could find these videos quite interesting:

    If it's his first kiss too, maybe you could learn together and make it more fun! If not, you could ask him to teach you, which he will probably like, if he's interested in you.

    You need to find out what is best for both of you :) All that's required is a little confidence and fresh breath !

    Oh, and don't forget to be polite ! This means if you feel your partner isn't ready for a kiss, or for a certain type of kiss, don't push him, it simply won't do. And remember! You have to be very very sure about whom you want to "use" your first kiss on, as it's something you'll remember all your life ... Good luck!

  2. Turn your head in the opposite was he turns his.

    Do not use your tongue on the first kiss.

    Be passionate.

    Be nice and gentle, that way, it will be a very special memory to you that will last a lifetime.

  3. I think every girl worries about this, but to be honest, it all comes naturally. If you really like this guy, why not just say that you are nervous etc? If he finds it odd and reacts in a nasty way, you know that he's not worth it and you'll be glad you haven't wasted your first kiss on an idiot. Also, if the first kiss isn't that good, don't worry cause it gets better and better, practice makes perfect x

  4. let him lead,, and,, it will all come naturally

  5. Start of with a couple single kisses and then make them longer and then it will happen  good look xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  6. Just let it happen naturally.

  7. Tell the person before you have to kiss them. If they have any decency, they'll teach you how. Just avoid teeth. Or just type your question into a search engine. Voila :D

  8. Trust me, it comes naturally. Don't be over-eager -- Let him go at least half the way! Just make sure to brush&floss and you're set ;)

  9. Let him lead the way, close your eyes and enjoy!  It may be his first kiss too you know

  10. couple of rules:

    1.) Make sure your breath is fresh and clean.

    2.) Approach the kiss with confidence.

    3.) Lean in and turn your head slightly (signals that you want to kiss).

    4.) (very important) Start slowly.

    5.) Open your lips slightly.

    6.) (advanced) Consider the French Kiss (only as the kiss progresses, be sensitive that there is reception, otherwise back out immediately).

    7.) Try some necking (Start slowly).

    8.) Keep your arms busy (but be respectful)

    ps. Don't open your eyes during a kiss. It's creepy and it takes the intense closeness out of a kiss, most of the time. Keep your eyes open until you make lip contact, then close them. Once you and your partner get more comfortable together, you might think it fun to play with this rule a bit, as some people find it makes a kiss more intense.

  11. be honest

    if the guys any where half decent then he'll be more then happy to teach you!

    then you know what they say practise makes perfect.

  12. start off soft and make sure your noses don't hit each other. Then experiment with other techniques remember to breath though your nose. Use your hands " put them behind his head" and then open your mouth to kiss him.  

  13. let him go 90% of d way nd u go d rest. wen lips touch stick your tounge out.


  14. I remember being nervous too before my first kiss. But honestly it does come naturally. Just don't think about it.

  15. whatever you do Don't just shove your tongue in his mouth. If he does it.. thats not good either lol.

    The best way to kiss is to first start off with little kisses then slowly work in a little bit of tongue.

  16. I remember having the same problem - but it really does come naturally. When the time comes, you will know what to do. However, you do need to know whether he likes you or not otherwise you might not be able to kiss him at all!  

  17. try practising on the back of your hand.Lips slightly parted try a peck first,then open and close your mouth slowly.If he uses his tongue then follow,moving your tongue over his all the time remembering to breathe out of your nose.Good luck x

  18. let nature take its course. U dont want to overdo it or underdo it. Its gotta be with feelings and stuff.

    no tongue at the first kiss. it just makes u look like a sicko.

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