
How Do You Lower Energy Cost?

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How Do You Lower Energy Cost?




  1. Hello

    1.Switch off Cooler/AC machine

    2.Switch off Refrigerator

    3.Reduce using Room Heater

    4.Reduce the usage of Hot water for Bath

    Use fan only.

    Now your Electricity Bill cost less.


  2. We don't use lights etc. unnecessarily. Switched to 12 CFL's, and have performed a lot of weatherstripping/ caulking in this old house that isn't mine. Also insulated where ever possible and use heat pump units. Make use of rain water whenever possible.  I don't "worship" so called mother earth but try to be a good steward so as not to waste. I do worship Father God, the Son and the Holy Spirit that tell me in the Bible - Basic Instruction Before Leaving Earth - that we are given dominion and control - not to worship the earth, that would be having another god other than Him.

  3. turn off everything after seven

  4. Practice true honesty - turn off your computer, unplug it , collect it and all it's accessories immediately to the local recycling center .... of course, you must walk there. Take the wheelbarrow, there's more.

    Toss in your cell phone, hair dryer, microwave, coffee maker, washing machine, dishwasher, rerigerator, light fixtures and all other items that require electricity. Also gather all the plastic items in your house that are made of petrochemicals... start with all the plastics and move on to the clothes on your back - all those polyesters gotta go. ... and nylon ... and GoreTex.

    If you truly wish to be honest in your claim to going green then you shouldn't be on the Internet. It takes a massive amount of electricity to feed this beast and massive amounts of electricity and oil to make the plastics in our modern appliances. It also takes massive electrical power, trasportation, trucks, buildings, and still more electricity to support the system that makes these items.

    To truly be "off the grid" you will have to return to a way of life even more primitive than that practiced by our Amish friends. No plastics, no bicycles, no aluminum, no titanium... just good ol' wood, brick, stone and iron.

    No, wait ... brick and iron require heat to be molded, welded and fired.... sorry, looks like you're gonna have to go to just the wood and rocks and adobe ...

    And no more cooking, bake your food in the sun, or just eat it raw.

    Or... you can just be more sensible.

  5. Use less of it.  There are a few simple things, such as replacing incandescent bulbs with CFL's, that are easy and cheap.  Check windows and doors for air leakage, and caulk as required.  Make sure that furnace filters are reasonably clean.

    Some actions are much more expensive.  Calculation shows that I am losing $700 of heat through my windows every year; I could replace the windows with better ones, reducing the loss to $200.  The price tag: $30,000.  I'm sticking with the old windows.

    Postscript: I note with interest the first response.  All of what he did is feasible; it is also expensive.  He is paying a considerable premium for living off the grid; and in most cases the capital costs can't be justified.

  6. turn off the lights

  7. Tips:

    -Turn off ligths in house whenever possible

    -Take shorter showers and turn it off when ur applying shampoo and conditioner

    -lower your thermostat and dress warmer in the winter

    -Save electricity.

    -Save gas - the microwave saves more energy than the oven so try to use it more often

    -Don't use the phone 4 2 long

    -Don't use the stove 4 2 long

  8. Turn off lights, turn down heat, combine trips, Bike, walk, turn down the water heater, combine trips using car. Drive in the airfoil of a semi.

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