
How Do You Make A Rhyme Book?

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Hey people i was wondering how people aka rapper's make rhymes books




  1. First you buy a blank book.  Then you  think of a topic lets say........... Ocean.

    I love to swim in the ocean

    but if you swim wearing lotion

    you will feel like its crawling off

    but then you will feel real real soft.

    What I did just there was called a clerihew I learned that in school last week  you make 4 lines the first 2 rhyme then the second 2 rhyme.   How about you try working on those clerihews through the whole book!!!

    Take Care  ~Gina~

  2. A limerick is a short form of poetry known for its humor. To write a limerick follow these simple steps. First, read this sample limerick which demonstrates the syllabic and rhyme pattern. There was a large lady from Perth Who wanted to travel the earth But her wish was in vain For the door of the plane Was not wide enough for her girth. Note that the first, second and fifth lines each have eight syllables, and rhyme with each other, while the middle lines have only six syllables and a separate rhyme. Now, to write your own limerick, begin by choosing a character and a place name. (Note here that if your place name is longer than one syllable you may expand your lines to nine instead of eight syllables.) Think of some words which rhyme with your place name. Because the limerick is meant to be humorous, your rhymes may be silly - for example: Sydney; kidney; didn' he. Use two of these words to end the first two lines of your limerick, which introduce your character. There was a young man from Sydney Who only would eat steak and kidney. Next, think of a problem for your character, and present it in your two short lines: When the kidney ran out, Though he started to shout, Finally, finish with a resolution (ending) to your limerick, which should make your reader laugh. He had to go hungry, didn't he?

  3. you can decide on a particular topic....if not, you can combine a few of your own rhymes,or others[as long as they're not copyrighted] and there you have your rhyme book!!

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