
How Do You Make yourself approachable to guys?

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Guys never ever talk to me.Old men leer at me with perverted looks lol.But that's about all I get.I think I'm decent looking,not fat not ugly.So why is this?I don't really go out to clubs or anything but you would think just once in a blue moon a guy at a store or something might attempt to hit on me.I don't necessarily want the guy,just to know there's something attractive about me.




  1. Say something funny. This makes anybody feel confident.

  2. it doesnt matter what other people think about u and looks dont matter....its the kind of person u r ....and dont see if a guy in a store would hit on you because one time i was it kroger and the casier started hitting on me and he was like 5 years older than me, he was probabaly like 18 and it was

  3. same problem here girl, just smile, and do your own thing. If they are not willing to take the time to get the balls up to come talk to ya then they aren't worth worrying over.

    One day these guys will realize the girl they should be with is the same girl that they didn't have the courage to come up to. No wonder men think all women go for bad men, because none of the good ones has the nuts to come up to the women.

  4. Smile with Confidence


  5. Well if you just have this shine about you and not this depressing or mean look that will help. Not sure if you fall into one of those categories but if you do that could be a problem. do you have a picture? just curious i would be honest and let u know if i would approach you or kind of throw you some signs of flirting.

  6. It's not that your not approachable maybe they're just shy and don't know how exactly to talk to you. If you're out w/ a bunch of girlfriends then that'll make you less approachable. The fact is they'll be more embarrassed of you shooting him down in front of your friends then just by yourself. I wouldn't meet anyone at a night club. They're just sleezy, dirty people there. Try a book store, coffee shop, etc. Or maybe you should just approach them yourself. Good luck!

  7. wear lots of make up and make yourself look like a hoe

  8. Smile

    A smile is attractive, disarming, and acts as an invite to talk to you.

    If you look happy, guys are a lot more willing to take the chance of being seen as a fool to strike up a conversation with you.


  9. Be confident in yourself. That is something that will make people look at you. You don't have to actually have someone fall over from staring at you to be looked at. When you go somewhere stand up straight and hold your head up high. If you seem like a care free person people will get that sense from you. Smile if some one looks at you, be friendly, and all around happy person.

    You will be amazed at the looks you'll get.  Best of luck !! :o)

  10. If you look grumpy or mardy or anything then i think this puts guys off. You have to appear to be bubbly and happy, smiling and stuff. I think this will give them more confidence to come up to you, as they know you would be friendly to them.  

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