
How Do You OverClock Ram?

by  |  earlier

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ok, i have 4GB OCZ DDR2 Ram running at stock 800mhz.

full specs below

now im wondering how do you overclock ram, just out of curiosity.

can it be done in windows (via software) or do you have to overclock in Bios.

and last, how much overclock can i possible get with my ram???





  1. I dont know of any software however it can be done in the bios of your motherboard. The clock speed of the ram is increased when the CPU's FSB is increased so a bottleneck doesnt form.

    RAM latancy timings can also be change in the hope to get a  FSB:RAM ratio of 1:1 ther are four differant clock cycles each needing to be changed, however if they are set to tight/low the memory will not be able to function properly and the pc will only boot you back to the bios

  2. Risky for Motherboard, stay away.

  3. hi kamran

                  just like overclocking your processor overclocking your memory is extremely risky and requires expert knowledge

                  and memory is much more fragile when it comes to changing speeds,too much and you can damage your memory beyond repair

                  however were theres utilitys for overclocking the cpu theres no specific overclocking memory programs,you change  the memory timings and speed through the pc.s bios and this again requires expert knowledge

                for a excellent guide on overclocking memory go to read the six page guide and tutorials,this explains in very easy to understand terms the correct way to "safely" overclock your memory,follow this guide and you wont go far wrong

                however as a final thought why bother overclocking memory when its so cheap to buy,for example you can get 1gb of ddr2 ram(pc2-5300) for less than £5 from

                  to put that into perspective you could fill up a pc with 4gb of ram for less than £20,thats amazing

                    any problems let me know

                               good luck mate!

  4. Both ways, from BIOS as well as from software.


    Raise vdimm(DIMM slot voltage) value to the smallest possible increment, too much voltage can burn the RAM, be careful!


    you can download ClockGen software from

    With this you can overclock your CPU, RAM, FSB, PCI, PCIe.!!

    Any damage to your hardware will not be answer's responsibilty.


  5. This should help...

  6. you OC your RAM when you OC your CPU and its all done in BIOS by increasing the speed of the FSB

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