
How Do You Report A Bootleg Movie Site?

by  |  earlier

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I f'n hate stealing! I hate theives and liars! I came across a website showing a bootleg of the movie Hancock (among others) and I want to turn those f'rs in. Anybody know how to do that?




  1. Check with your local police dept. Most of the larger depts. now have a few detectives assigned to cyber crimes.

    If it is out of their jurisdiction, they will know who's jurisdiction it is and send you to the right person.

  2. whats the point of that they will just make a new site lol btw most of them are stupid anyway because they dont have the good quality big screen subtitles that rly annoys people like me

  3. In the United States just send an e-mail to the FBI with the link on it.  I hate thieves too.

  4. FBI.

    But who has the time to do anything?

  5. Go to the Federal Trade Commission

  6. please learn to express yourself without the "f" word. the asterickated words are totally unecessary.

    and as far as any bootlegging, why do you care?

  7. FBI and the police in general should worry more about the selling of drugs on the internet, not movies.  Get mad about something else.

  8. I think that you could report it to the makers of the movie itself!  Cheers to you.

    Edit:  You are right..."The world is a dangerous place to live, not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it." ~ Albert Einstein

  9. Do a WHOIS search on the website and find out where their server is located. Chances are, unless the administrator's an idiot, it's located in some foreign country and nobody in the U.S. can do anything about it anyway. And even if they do manage to take the site down, others will just pop up in it's place. The Internet was fundamentally designed for spreading information, files, and data unrestricted, so all the copyright litigation in the world isn't going to stop people from sharing movies with each other. Once a movie is produced, it's going to appear somewhere online whether the studios (or you) like it or not. And really, can't you find somebody better to sympathize with than a bunch of greedy movie production company fatcats and their $1000/hr corporate lawyers? They certainly don't give a d**n about you, and nobody's going to think you're a hero for your efforts.

  10. First off the world has bigger problems than bootleg movies so no-one you tell will investigate the claim much. Even if they did no punishments would be given out. There arent the resources to look into trivial stuff like this. And these sites pop up and go away every week so they are not goign to catch them. Are you really that bored and have so little to do that  you are out to get people in trouble. Get a hobby.

  11. don't report them give me the link

  12. Good for you for standing up for what's right!  I understand your frustration; too many people turn a blind eye to things and then wonder why society is going to Hades in a hand basket.  I would also recommend contacting the FTC and the movie makers (sorry, I'm not a big movie goer, so I don't know who produced the movie).  All we can do as individuals is to remain vigilant and report what we see and know regarding crimes; turning a blind eye, even to so-called minor things, does nothing but contribute to the problem.  Again I applaud you for maintaining your values and being a vigilant citizen.

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