
How Do You Report Cartoon Child Pornography In Canada?! ?

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We recently bought a used laptop for my 10 year old step-daughter. After reinstalling a clean operating system, I wanted to install some parental controls for Fire Fox3 and Windows XP. I installed several programs to be reassured that while surfing the net, my child was not exposed to anything I would not approve of. I wanted to test the controls, so side-by-side I started attempting to "Google" several words that would most likely contain objectionable images or web forums/pages such as " Chat, p**n, naked, drugs, nude, cartoon p**n, x*x" and such! OMG, I was completely astounded by some of the images I found!(on my PC,not the one with parental guards) There was 3-D Cartoons of child pornography and incest, and the next thing I knew I was over-whelmed by pop-ups. How does one go about reporting these images, or can I? If they are illegal in Canada, shouldn't these sites be blocked by my ISP? This is completely and totally outrageous that this kind of material can even be published. What is the world coming to?

On a side note: I decided to install GLUBBLE on my child's PC. It does an excellent job! Obtainable by going to I recommend it to anyone who's child regularly uses or has access to a PC.




  1. ask your service provider what you should do..go to your local government officials and complaint and maybe think about making some new laws up for this kind of stuff to be off the internet

  2. You have discovered the world of the internet, where almost anything may come up with even seemingly innocuous words.  The pop ups stem from going to sites.  Most pornography sites will automatically start sending them.  It is very difficult to keep up with the many sites and to actually find the source of many.  Those that are reported are gone by the time investigations are launched, but you can report them to your local police.

  3. Ya , canada is tough on drawn p**n that expoits nobody but easy on cannabis

    The US agrees that drawn p**n is ok under our 2nd amendment (which is fine) but thinks cannabis is the essence of evil

    Go figure, just goes to show you cant get ANY government to agree with all of your own individual quirks huh?

  4. they're drawings!  you want somebody arrested fined and jailed for drawing a picture?  you have no right to do that.  Somebody is doing something YOU don't personally approv e of so your first thought is to tell the government to protect you.  If you have such a problem with it, maybe your child shouldn't be using the internet unattended.  Did you think for once that maybe taking care of your child is YOUR responsability and not the governments?

  5. Cartoon child pornography?  Do you mean like the drawings are only a couple of years old, how are you suppose to measure the age of a drawing?

  6. Hentai is ok as long as it's not real kids

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