
How Do You Set Off A Railroad Crossing Can You Step On A Pop Can On The Track And Set One Off??

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  1. Be aware this is trespassing.  

    As others stated, there is no way a crossing signal will be activated by your doing this.   Driving Hi-Rails, I know from experience the island circuit can tell the difference between a heavy pickup and a train.

    I advise you to NOT attempt to tamper with this equipment.  Its a good way to get a criminal record.

    Most people don't understand how potentially dangerous railroads are.

    Find something else to do.

  2. They have sophisticated circuitry built into the system that does a pretty good job of determining an actual train approaching from false indications, such as someone stepping on a pop can.

    If there was an easy way for you to make this happen, someone would be out there every night doing it, and we prefer that didn't happen.

    I remember stopping at an accident scene one time, right at a crossing and the patrolman put his tow chain over the rail, he said this will stop the train.

    I told him you better not rely on that because you did not shunt the rail and as far as an approaching train was concerned everything was perfectly OK until it was far too late.

  3. As the above poster mentioned, it is federal trspassing to mess with railroad saftey devices, besides a humans weight could not set one off, they are designed for heavy equipment such as locomotives and railcars, even a hi-rail pickup doesnt set them off.

  4. No that won't work.Be aware if you get caught messing with the railroad(especially the safety devices)your going to go to jail.That's a federal offense.You better find something else to amuse yourself with.

  5. .Your dice just fell on a double six  go direct to jail 45 years hard labour

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