
How Do You Stay Calm Whilst Pregnant?

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To Be Honest, I've Been Quite Stressed Recently. I Had Some Problems With The Babys Dad & It Made Me Get Really Hecked Up.




  1. I know exactly how you are feeling! You have all these extra hormones that make every little thing seem huge,and to top it all were told 'getting stressed is bad for baby' which of course we stress about......I am currently 36weeks and 5 days with my third child and have had a lot of personal problems i have had to deal with on top of this pregnancy. I find that when i am about to lose it going for a walk helps. Thinking of my daughter and all my hopes and dreams for her reminds me why i am doing all this i guess. Good luck and trust that your body wont let you get too stressed!

  2. The alternative is to be panicking for nine months.  Not a good idea, so just chill-ax!

  3. read the book "How to stop worrying and be happy" by Dale Carneige. it's very helpful - pregnant or not!

  4. i try to stay happy, for the baby, but sometimes its near impossible! do the best you can.

  5. just relax nothing is a big rush, just take your time and stay calm, because if your in distress so is your baby, and that can cause them to have colic when they are born, and trust me its not nice.  

  6. just get sleep lots of it and relax maybe if the dad is realy pissing you off and you live together chuck him out for a few days and have some YOU time if you don't live together then don't see him for a few days and do what i already sayed

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