
How Do You Talk About Something You Can't Describe With Words?

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  1. thats just too confusing

  2. Try illustrating your ides with a visual representation.

    You can also role play.

    Think of a movie scene that shows an example of what it is that you want to express

    Also consider that you may not be ready to talk about it because you may not have a strong logical foundation to explicitly explain what it it you trying to say. Emotions are difficult to explain.

    Finally I would suggest to try to use a simple analogy

  3. Sometimes we just don't have the right words to described something wonderfully marvelous or perhaps something even quite tragic.  When normal words fail, some people write songs or poetry to express emotion.  And there are others who draw, paint or sculpt to express an emotional event or idea.

  4. You don't lol. cause its imposible. Or just say exactly what you thinking.

  5. You generally don't.  

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