
How Do You Think The Oreily/Obama interview is going to go?

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I know Oreily is going to grill him, Will Obama be stumbling all over his words?




  1. I think it will be boring.  I know they set some serious ground rules.  Bill has been begging for the interview, so I'm sure he coward-down to the rules of Obama's team.

  2. I think MadMan Oreily will probably get so out of line that Senator Obama will have to leave the interview...Oreily isn't known for having any kind of self-control.

  3. Obama is pretty good at this by now.  Remember- this guy has been challenged by the best for about 20 months now.  I'm not too worried.

  4. bill will punk out and go easy on obama, because unlike the women or cripples o'reilly chooses to go screaming at, barack would hand "loofah-boy" his @ss as a hat!

  5. Should be really good.  The Hillary interview was fantastic and she did very well.  I agree though that there will be a lot of stuttering with Obama.

  6. I'm not sure how it will go, but if Obama's past interviews without notes/teleprompters is any indication, O'Reilly will have him for lunch.

  7. Bill O is going to ask questions and not give Obama a chance to respond and when Obama turns the questions back on Bill O he is going to get all indignant. then he will either pull the interview, go to break, or ask them to cut Obama's mics off.


  8. About 30 minutes too long.

  9. God I hope so

  10. no prompter..... it'll be hilarious!!!!!

  11. Obama will charm his loofah off of him :)

  12. It's going to go exactly what Obama wants. Prime time on a channel network that has long been labeled anti liberal. Right or wrong....Obama is doing nothing more than reducing himself to side with what he and all other libs call the enemy network.....why? Because Oreily has a massive national audience and Obama needs it cause' he's in trouble and he knows it after the Palin speech. The better question is........why is Oreily granting an audience with Obama on McCaine's speech night during prime time? Oreily gave no such lattitude to republicans during the DNC. Well, Obama is now desparate and Oreily through ratings and self importance appeased it. Orielly will do nothing except let Obama filibuster and you'll see nothing above the level of fluff interviewing.

  13. Im recording it ;) since i wont be there to watch. this is gonna be fun!

  14. Oreilly will major on minors and try his best to avoid substantive issues. Obama knows he won't get a word in edgewise (as we hear more of Oreilly's opinions than Obama's during the charade he calls an "interview"), but is doing it to subvert the attention from McCain.  

  15. Obama's chat with the media after the Oreilly interview tells me he got drilled pretty good.  He seemed a little miffed.

  16. O'Reilly: "Ideologue family values Jesus ban g*y marriage pro-life supply side guns for everyone Jesus?"

    Obama: "Change. Hope change. Change hope hope change hope."

    O'Reilly: "Jesus Palin no new taxes ideologue Jesus ideologue?"

    Obama: "Hope change, change change hope."

  17. I think Bill will ask some hard questions, but don't see him grilling him anymore then he did Hillary.  He wants them back on his show, so he will be polite and treat Obama with respect, and Obama will do just fine.  Hillary was very poised on the show and so will Obama.

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