
How Do i Ask the Hairdresser To Cut My Hair In An Emo Style? How Do I Explain It?

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I want my hair cut in an emo style but im not really sure how to explain, i want la layered effect cut im not sure how to ask for it? Please Help, Thanks x




  1. Don't get an "emo" haircut

    Emo is terrible music, but if you want to look emo wear a bunch of make up and dye your hair black

  2. take a good picture of the style you want good luck

  3. go to a hip hair dresser and say i want my hair cut emo style...or find cute pic.s  look on google images

  4. Easiest way is to just find a picture of the style you want, and bring it with you.

    That way they can see exactly what you want, and won't get confused with you trying to explain it to them.

  5. Bring in a picture of what you want.

  6. bring a picture, or tell them you want an extremely choppy layered haircut. like alot of layers. if you tell tem how you want to style it theyll know too. u might want to go to a really trendy hair place where they know whats in and know how to do it.

  7. find a picture you like and bring it in

  8. bring some pics and say ' I wanna look emo' lol

  9. Stylists should know the trend, but if they don't just take a picture of someone that has the hair style you want.  

  10. Bring in pictures of how you want your hair to look like, and explain while showing them the picture.

  11. Just find the pic on internt and or ask ur hairdressr 4 a catalog thngy .. cuz they hav tat ... theyll cut it the way u lik it .... but ask sum1 professional lik sum salon famous in ur area... cuz even if u ask ur regular hairdressr sumtimez they mess it up 2.. trust me been ther done that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  12. Find a haircut on google, yahoo, or photobucket.  Just look up emo ____(length) hairstyles.  That's how I got my haircut, although it isn't emo :]  They have tons to find!

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